
The Saturday City :. Washington D. C

The Saturday City :. Washington D. C -

The Washington Monument
Today I realized that it has been about two months since I did a Saturday City recently. I like the series, even if it does not pull a lot of comments. It's a good way for me to all these places to remember, I have been, and I thought that it will bring no better way this series back on track, as highlight the capital of the United States. (It is not because I am some super ardent patriot, but because Obama has been a lot lately in the news.)

I have been many times in Washington DC. When I was a child, used my family to drive down Florida to visit my grandmother. We stopped getting relatives in New Jersey to see, and would then swing usually by D.C. some of the sites to visit. When I was in college, I have the right to live outside the city so often I went to sightsee and enjoy the nightlife. In 06, when I drive across the country on the way, I stopped in D.C. to see it with adult eyes.

Lincoln Memorial
D.C. is an interesting place. The city is a mix of wealth and poverty. While the members of Congress and those who attend them, spend much money, much of the city is very poor and very dangerous. You just do not go to certain parts of the city. There has to be a reputation for one of the most violent cities in America. However, with mixed that a large student population is that keeps alive visit, tons of tourists from around the world, the city, and to visit a huge amount of museums and historic sites. It is certainly a city of extremes

The White House Washington DC
Although I D.C. like for two reasons :. The historical sites and the food. If you really want to learn about America, there is no better place to do it, as the capital. Here you have to visit all places in the government monuments presidents and heroes of the past, the Smithsonian museums, and a plethora of other museums. The Smithsonian has dozens of museums covering every topic that you can think of. I especially love the American History Museum and Museum of Natural History. The Holocaust Museum is both wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time -. Wonderful, because it is so well done and heartbreaking, because, well, it is the Holocaust

Arlington Cemetery
And call me a geek, but I also love the monuments. The Jefferson and Lincoln memorials are by far my favorite. The monument to FDR is large and often goes unnoticed, but it has a beautiful fountain, beautiful statues, great quotes and a Japanese garden near (the style is ironic, do not you think?). The Vietnam Memorial is haunting. The Washington Mall is great for relaxing. Overall, D.C. only a great city to wander around in, especially if you are a history geek like me.

Capitol Hill
The other reason I like D.C., is due to the great food. I may be just lucky, but I always seem to find good restaurants. Last time I was there, I had great Mexican food. In college, I found this great Italian place in Georgetown. I also found this cool fondue place near George Washington University. Maybe it's all the messages and the mix of people who live here, but D.C. incredible food has. Every kind of food imaginable exists here thanks to all foreign offices in the city. D. C is a culinary delight, because no one wants to declare a trade war on a stomach full of bad foods.

Overall I love that. By Washington It's a fun city, there's always something to do, to eat good food, and the Smithsonian never gets old. If you come to the US to stop here. Sightseeing, a rich and deep knowledge of American history: the founding, our culture and our government. You might even spot Obama -. There is always hope

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