
Why It's Great without a plan to travel

Why It's Great without a plan to travel -

travel anywhere you want At my first round the world trip in 06, I wanted everything. I knew where to go and stay as long as I get it. But over the years, as I plan my trip has changed. Well, I'm a last minute planners and rarely travel with each set itinerary. Travel Long term made me much better to go with the flow. If plans change, or things go wrong, I just roll with it. Life on the road works at the end and margins are only part of the journey.

, without a plan trips gives you incredible flexibility. Since nothing is booked well in advance, you can on a route not connected and can, otherwise pivot to something if you change your mind or something comes better. The day may lead to exciting and unplanned adventures unfold randomly abandoned. I changed my plans, a friend on an island in Thailand and stayed to meet for a month. Another time, I met a girl in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, delayed my departure a few days, and we ended up traveling and dating for five months.

I would this or many other experiences have not have had if I had held rigidly with my planned itinerary and schedule.

However, most new travelers are the opposite - they plan. Your entire route is planned, sometimes up to the specific hour. Two days here three days. I understand why people do that. Countless routes appear in my inbox from people who can be seen in Europe, try in three weeks or Southeast Asia in two months. If you have little time, you want as much as possible to see. You do not want to waste a single second. This is true whether you have 2 weeks or two months before you travel. Few people travel forever, so there is always a goal that looms large. It's a race against the clock.

But in travel, less is more. to spend more time in one place, you can get a better feel for the rhythm of life. It allows you to visit at a more relaxed pace to see more than just the highlights, and then open your schedule to the happy accidents of travel. Slow can make a big difference.

As Buddha said, the middle way is the right way, and the middle way for traveling to just planning your general directions and fill in the gaps on the way.

When I create the first routes to new destinations, I start over-zealous and try to cram everything in. Then I take a deep breath, realize it is unrealistic and revise my plan to outline the one, two things I want to see every day, room and everything out.

I think the best "Travel Planning" is the general way to find out, you want to take, booking the first nights of your trip and make your journey from there unfold. Keep moving until you stop or wish to change directions. So you are never locked into a certain place, when you change your feelings.

Go with the flow.

There is no magic bullet to plan a route to whether it is a city or a country through. forward just move in an endless loop and avoid doubling back. So you can keep lower your transportation cost, and you know where you are going, but your plan is flexible enough that you can stay in your target sooner or longer leave when you decide.

The one thing that every traveler will tell you, is that unexpected things happen on the road to throw a wrench in the best planned route (to break your leg or losing your camera to a have somewhere new just met longer stay in one place or jetting with people from you only). If you are not flexible, you'll each change your itinerary on to stress. They are divided into a tense state of attraction to another, while never really let himself enjoy the moment, because you'll be too worried about is missing, what should come next.

The best plan gives you a good idea of ​​where to go with the flexibility to adapt to changes on the road. It is important to give room for places you like or dislike or if you get burned out and just want to take a trip time out and relax for a few days. Decide where you want to go and what you want to see, but not even too many appointments tie.

traveling without a plan is a great idea. with only a semblance of a travel is even better.

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