
32 travel Ask Questions (With My Attempted replies)

32 travel Ask Questions (With My Attempted replies) -

researching travel in the sunset One thing is I do not have enough to answer your questions. From time to time I have Q & As, but if my current book tour has taught me anything, it's that you do not answer a lot of questions that are on the blog is! Since not all last week offers from I have a 1,000-word post, a call for your questions on Facebook. And I'll start doing this more. Maybe not every month but at least once every few months

But now, here are your questions and my answers .:

Heidi: How do you deal with fly around the world without an onward ticket to have?

This depends on the airline. Some airlines are very strict about you has an onward ticket, some are not. Unlike in the UK and Ireland, I have never been asked for immigration to continue to show evidence. Technically, every country has this requirement but it is not really enforced. However, I know some airlines, you can go the distance, without further proof, so that sometimes it is good to buy a refundable ticket or a cheap bus ticket out, just to satisfy them

Nancy. What do you do to stay healthy when you travel?

I am not super great to stay healthy when I travel, but I try to drink a lot of water and little alcohol, lots of walking, and avoid fatty foods. I do not work out next to the occasional Pushup on the road, so I try to stay with my diet right. This interview with fitness expert Steve Kamb can do well

Kim . How do you make an income while you are traveling

By? This site! I am a travel writer, so my job is to write about traveling. The books that I write keep going this website. If you want to support these efforts, read one of the guides or on the resource links on the website you book your trip

Tony .: How can you learn about a culture and meet the locals, without speaking their language?

If zero communication, it's hard. help Charades. Alcohol makes everything go around. I had a great time with some Ukrainians with sign language and vodka. But I try to use sites like meeting Meet Up or CouchSurfing locals and go with them. People who speak in these pages is usually a bit of English, which is very helpful. However far nonverbal communication such as hand gestures and a smile. I was at a dim sum restaurant in Hong Kong with a very confused look on my face. Some of the old Chinese guys across from me just started eating in front of me, smiling, and me a thumbs up. We basically through sounds and smiles communicate. Not all interactions have words

Emmanuel :? How do you calculate the money to spend during your trip daily

I use my app Trip Saver to all my expenses take. I have not updated it in for too long, but it has to have the basics, write me how much I spend and on what

Rachel. How do you get in a country to stay more than a tourist visa permits?

to leave and come back and try to get a visa extension. For example, Thailand You can extend your visa or you can just go to Cambodia and come back in. For other places, it is a bit difficult because you have to be out for a certain number of days. The best way, though, is to obtain a visa long stay before you arrive

Gina:.? What are the options for working abroad besides teaching are

to an au pair who work on a boat, work on a cruise ship, working in a restaurant, or a tour guide. There are there a lot of options. It is often best to go to the destination and ask to see what is available. Each site is different and you are the best chance if you go there. I know it can be scary to go without a job in hand, but the best jobs are often

Nat found by word of mouth .: What songs / type of listen to do music while driving or what inspired you to travel?

I'm actually really into jazz and bluegrass, but whatever comes on my iPod is what I hear!

Bethany: What is

learn about the world about traveling your favorite thing and how each fits into it. There are more than six billion pieces in this world and I want to learn how they all fit together

Mairéad :? is the best place for someone with limited mobility occasionally to visit

this blog by Cory Lee. He is asking the best person as he travels in a wheelchair. I am planning an interview with him soon

Doreen: Which country is your favorite

Thailand ?. It is where I decided to quit my job, and I lived there for a few years. I love the food, the people and the weather. It has to hold everything annual for me

Tim .: Many credit fees. How do you keep so many and still pay the fees?

Many credit card companies, you can move to a no-fee version of the card when you call. You can try to get the fee for extra points or something instead of suspension for another year or omitted to ask. Cards you want to keep on board, so they are always offering incentives to achieve this. Most of the time that I move on the map No-Fee or cancel

Kristen .: Your book mentions checking how many seats are left for a flight. How do I go about this? Is there a specific site that sells seats shows

Each airline's website will see seat availability on a particular flight

DawnRae :. What are you doing, begins to feel when travel repetitive? How do you keep each destination exciting if the same options are available?

When I start to travel down, I stop. I stay in places where I am, relax, rest, and get to know them. When I'm ready to move, I move on me. Everyone has down days traveling. It is like life - ups and downs. Do not push yourself. Just stop, rest and go, if you are willing,

Luisa .: What would be better (weather and financially) in early November: Thailand, Burma or North Argentina ( Iguazu Falls)? I'm from Asheville flying

flights to Argentina would be cheaper, but Asia would be cheaper when you get there

Kitty: .. [1945004(möglicherweiseeinJahroderlänger)] If you away to plan a long trip, do home insurance with the ACA must have requirement? Or would be your travel insurance enough?

not the ACA cover necessary travel insurance, but if you are out of the country for more than 330 days, you do not have to pay the penalty. If you do not go away for long, you will have to either pay the fine or to get insurance. If you do not, you will probably be able to qualify for a waiver, because you will fall under the income requirement, but it is best to talk to an accountant about that.

[1945004Gerold] If I want to be a travel writer, what are the things that I would include in an article to make it exquisite? Also, what should I avoid?

If you want to do write, visit the Book Passage Conference, the Nerd's Eye View blog or Lonely Planet Guide to Travel Writing by Don George. All can help you to improve your writing. Stephen King's On Writing is also good

Bernadette:.? Have you ever plan to settle down and marry

I want to but I have trouble finding a woman, Nomadic

Mike :? What would you recommend, if you do a two-month backpacking trip through Central America

in two months, I would probably start in Belize and then head south to Costa Rica. There is a lot in the region to see, and it is easy to put in places, so I would plan on walking slowly. Do not try to rush it. Here is my guide to Central America, when you see my favorite things to see and do

Wasswa:.? Does Australia have a kind of off-season, where flights and activities are cheaper and affordable

Australia Apart season from April to October, so the prices are then slightly cheaper

Kevin .: What is the difference in the advice is is against Rick Steves?

is Rick Council on Europe and more geared toward mid-tier, older travelers. It is less about a limited budget who, wander, or to do with exchange-economic services and apps trips cheaper. My site is to search for the search for ways to actually save and prolong your trip. His advice is more for those with money to spend

Erika .: I am bike tours throughout Europe for nine years. Flying in Vienna. Do I need a ticket round-trip? Not sure on the day I will come back to the United States.

Nine years! Impressive! That's a trip. Brilliant! Good luck. The Viennese people should not ask for a return trip, but definitely do not say you are planning to be in Europe for nine years. They will not tell you in Just leave that for a few months backpacking and you do not know when you'll be home

Mackenzie: .. How do you work while living in the US tax file abroad?

There several online services that can help. The IRS has what it takes, but you can use also HR Block or TurboTax

Graeme Search Europe next year from April to September and think especially camping with WWOOF to do. Do you have any experience with that?

I have not WWOOFed but this post by Sophie can help. She did it. You could qualify for more information ask

Allyson :? What's the most overrated city is

In my opinion, Krakow. It's nice, but everyone talks about it as if it is the best thing since sliced ​​bread. I liked it, but there are many places in Europe, as they are exactly

Jacinta .? , the easiest countries to be for Americans expats in

Every country that you fit in! Your nationality is not so important how you feel about a place. Find a place you love, and you will be all set

Kristi Scutella . I am in 2 weeks after Iceland heading Ringstrasse driving, camping and for 10 days. What's on your must-do list? Any last minute advice?

Many tips! Check out my guide out Iceland. I have the same trip last year! It is wonderful. You will have a lot of fun

Mike:.? What are your personal experiences are (and / or other long-term travelers') with malaria pills and other vaccinations

I'm all vaccinations requires a doctor or country. I do not mess around with my health. I took malaria pills in Africa. They gave me funky dreams

Laura :. go My daughter and I spent two weeks in June this year to Europe and I am concerned about the packing list. Any tips on how easy to pack?

Sure do! Here is my list, the

Matt :? How do you avoid your passport over to a hotel or a car / scooter hire handing

I'm trying to give them a copy of my passport or other form of identification. Sometimes that's not work, however. if it is not likely that they will pass your steal

Sonja: What sense (sight, smell, etc.) do you value most while traveling? For me it's sight. I am obsessed with taking pictures!

Listening. I like the world to hear around me

Allan :!?! If you go to the Philippines

This December


If you have any questions, leave them in the comments! I will be happy to answer them!

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