
Hogmanay Edinburgh Amazing New Year

Hogmanay Edinburgh Amazing New Year -

Fireworks celebration at Hogmanay in Scotland I hate New Year's Eve. For me it is a non-holiday. A night where bars to overcharge customers an apology, people get excited for a 20-second countdown, and you realize after the clock turns that life is still the same. Silvester is just another night. I usually give the "holiday" with my friends in a foreign country and went home shortly after midnight. I do not see what the fuss is

But despite my dislike of the night, two events were always "have to do on New Year" on my list. Edinburgh Hogmanay and Fireworks Festival Sydney. For me, these are more than one rated night - they are huge events with music, fireworks, crowds, entertainment, food and celebrations. I have shared my friends about the events, listened with awe and wonder at the stories. Each event has a mythical place in my head.

And when the opportunity presented to eventually visit Edinburgh Hogmanay this year, I took it. *

Hogmanay (a Gaelic word for the last day of the year) is one of the new year in the world's largest celebration to attract more than 75,000 people for the two-day celebration. Although the Scots were celebrated this day for centuries, is the modern iteration with musical acts, a torchlight procession, several fireworks and a large street festival dates back only to 1992

The celebration of December 30, begins with a torchlight procession through the city ​​(8000 people part in this year adopted), led by the Up Helly Aa Viking from Shetland, which culminates in a huge bonfire and fireworks. Then, on December 31, the streets near traffic and fill up with people, start as a musician performing on several stages in the city in an apron to the massive fireworks erupting over the castle.

And as if that were not enough, there is a carnival in Edinburgh downtown, the days before the New Year celebrations, ending days after.

While I was able to tell stories about the event itself, the whiskey I drank starts, and I danced the music, pictures do (with descriptions), the festival more effectively. You must simply see an idea of ​​how to get big and special an event is this:

The torchlight procession led by vikings in Scotland
The torchlight, led by the Up Helly Aa Viking. More than 8,000 people with torches followed by the Vikings through the city in a parade that ends in a bonfire and fireworks on Calton Hill.

Red fireworks tower over Calton Hill
fireworks on Calton Hill after the torchlight procession.

Girl partying in the crowd at Hogmanay, all bundled up
The streets of Edinburgh fill with people the cold defied. Plastic bottles filled with more than just soda, since there is no glass allowed at the festival.

Hogmanay was a very crowded celebration in Scotland
A further quantity kick.

Crowds at the Hogmanay, a huge Scottish festival
Yup, many, many people visit this celebration.

Hot Dub Time Machine rocking out at Hogmanay
Hot Dub Time Machine. He mixed together all # 1 hit from the 1950s until today across multiple screens in the city to play. I have never heard so many people singing together at once.

Lily Allen performing at the end of the Hogmanay festival
Lily Allen perform at the end of the festival. She closed the night. I spent a long time in order to dance and the ABBA cover band Bjorn Again.

Bursts of fireworks fill the Scottish sky
fireworks over the castle. From 9:00 they have a small fireworks shows every hour mark, culminating 20 minutes at midnight on a big display. It was one of the most impressive fireworks displays that I have ever seen.

to find photos from my friend Laurence of the universe, whose camera and photography skills are better than mine!

What was loved me that night that had Hogmanay meat. There was not a house party or an overpriced bar. It was a multi-day event with day and night activities. Hogmanay was special. I felt like I celebrate a real vacation.

I have enjoyed some amazing New Year celebrations in the past, but this event is one for the record books. I appreciated the revelry, music and fireworks, as well as my friends and the camaraderie among strangers, more than any other previous New Year I were party. I would definitely make a return trip.

If you are looking to do something different for New Year to go Hogmanay. It was everything I had hoped it would be. Edinburgh is a beautiful and exciting city in its own right, but this hard just adds another layer of fun. Just be sure to bring a heavy coat - it's cold there in January

Well, time Sydney from my list this year to check. Who is in

Disclosure: Hogmanay organizers invited me to this year's event. They paid for my flight, accommodation, event ticket, and three meals during the week that I was in town. All males were my own doing.

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