
43 travel questions and My (Attempted) Reply

43 travel questions and My (Attempted) Reply -

travel buddies in the jungle
Not every travel question a blog post requires as a response, so a few weeks ago, I put out a call on social media to ask me anything! I love to answer your questions, so while I am currently in Chile en route to Patagonia to take nature to communicate, blog post today is a simple Q & A. I have the best questions and answers them here ! So, without further ado, here they are:

Kelsey :? If I Citi ThankYou points and Chase Ultimate Rewards points, is there a way to combine those

you can summarize any points of credit card companies in a pool, but if they share transfer partner, you can all put in this joint enterprise. For example, Citi and Chase both transfer to Singapore Airlines, so you can point as the transfer, but you can not transfer points Citi Chase. It is also worth mentioning that it is not worth to transfer hotel points (with the exception of Starwood) to airlines, because the conversion rate is not as good as hotels do not transfer to the air. 1: 1 ratio

CJ: How do you create a hectic schedule your blog plan and stay disciplined enough to stick with it

I a timetable ?. There are actually more time in the day than we think. There is this great article "The Busy Trap" called, which is a reading to value issue. But creating a routine, such as: every morning from 8 to 09:00, you will have a blog. Once you do that, you will find the time

Janet :. What resources do you use to explore your destination

For countries, I'm not familiar with? I buy a guidebook. Hostelworld is to seek a great place for accommodation for the first night or two. Then, when I'm there, I'll decide if I want to stay longer, or switch to a better hostel or hotel as I talk with fellow travelers and locals who I meet. With all the other things, research that I that speak of the people when I arrive. Other travelers, hostel staff and tourist offices have all the information you need! Sometimes you can not find complete insider travel information online

Camille: Here is a question that I think too many true: traveling with a disability. What if I need to have at any time with me medication? Will that be a problem in some countries, and what is your advice?

I can not give advice on this subject. It is best to talk to your doctor or online message boards and forums where you can talk with other people who have a similar disability as you

Patricia. Passport holders of Western countries can travel easily. How do you inspire the people who do not have the same "privilege" to travel, as the people in Asia?

Westerners have golden passes, but that does not mean that we are the only ones who can travel. I have people from all countries met on the street. The Visa only take more time and perseverance. It's not fair, and it sucks, but you can not give up! You just have to keep trying - or go to countries where a visa is simple. From somewhere is better not to leave as! Here are some interviews with other travelers that may be helpful:

  • As the Indian pair navigates a complex visa system to travel the world
  • As DJ made from the Philippines all his Holiday dreams come true
  • as Jon (British) and Kach (Filipino) backpack the world as a part of
  • as Aileen from Southeast Asia an online business established overseas to make a living

Sonia: How to choose the hostels that you will stay in, especially if you have never stayed there?

I go to Hostelworld and search those. With the highest ratings on the budget that I want Sometimes it does not work, but most of the time the hostels are exactly say how the other reviews. You can always trip on reviews as a backup

Geetanjali. How much advance planning is ideal

If I go long term, I usually come? with a general route I would like to take the first goal and the first few nights I book then. Then I leave everything to chance. I changed my route too often to know that when you go away for a long time, you'll change your plans half a million times. It is much better to come up with a rough plan and to fill in the details as you go

Ashley:.? What is your ultimate favorite place is, and what made you fall in love with her

Thailand is my favorite place. It was the first place I really traveled on my own, the place where I decided that the world was for me to travel, the first place I lived outside the United States. It is to my house, and if I had stuck in one place for the rest of my life go, I would get there.

I think that if you ask for any traveler, the country is her favorite, she will tell you probably the first country to fall in trips made - whether their first trip overseas or was twentieth ! We believe that the connection to the where we were bitten by the travel bug

Alli. Did you propose the purchase malaria pills for Southeast Asia? Is it cheaper to get them there, or should I buy them in advance?

I would say that you do not need malaria pills in any of those countries. I do not know anyone, malaria scored there or taking the pills. Dengue is that you need to keep an eye on, but there is no pill for that. If you really wanted, you could get them cheaper at a hospital in Thailand. If you have any medical questions you should ask your doctor and make your decision based on that. I'm not a medical expert

Alexandra :. I have excellent credit, but a short and limited credit history. Is there a card that you would recommend for this type of situation?

I would ask for a credit limit increase on your current cards. This will help to improve your score. Capital One and Barclays often give people with a limited credit history to authorize or try a student or prepaid card, which are for people with a limited credit history in general.

In general, the more credit you have, the more credit you offered. So if you get the ball rolling, it should not be hard to get the good points and miles card, then you can really in to travel hacking

Natasha: Do you know any stylish woman Travellers who actually long-term travel and carry-on only? Or companies with stylish female traveling clothes

I would look into these three posts for tips on female packing suggestions:

  • Alex in walking often shares their packaging process and favorite products the long-term to be on the road.
  • Amanda from A Dangerous Business an entire section on her blog dedicated to packing lists for different types of trips.

Valérie: I'm leaving in a little less than four months after Tanzania. When is the best time to buy in your opinion my ticket?

Right now! The best time for international flights is 2-3 months before your trip, so I soon got the ticket!

I have all my best written, most useful tips to find cheap tickets to anywhere in the world that would be here, so the best place to start. My process is a little different, but I follow all these guidelines when booking

traveler taking photos of beautiful mountain range
Dani and Kevin. How has changed since the start traveling? Is it more difficult to move around the globe? Is it difficult to make connections with local people and experience a real sense of culture?

Clearly, people are much more on electronics than ever before. This means that feel away from home not so far (Hi, Mom!), But it also means that you might miss on cool experience because you watch Netflix in your hostel straight. It is a double-edged sword.

As for meeting locals, it has never been easier. The Sharing Economy boom has the chance to spot provided travelers hosts and money to make it do. Backpackers will love this simple, electronic-friendly way to participate in the local culture and tastes, wherever they are. Sites like EatWith let your meals with the locals share Vayable connects you with guides, let Airbnb the sharing houses and Lyft we share rides. It has never been easier to interact with the communities that you visit

Montserrat: I am Spanish, and ask, I could support teaching English when I get a TEFL certificate. Know someone English whose first language was not taught in English? Is that possible?

The reality is that most schools want to hire a native English speaker, especially in Southeast Asia. They would be able to volunteer teaching English with very little problem, but (and paid for) getting hired is to teach a different story. It does not mean it is impossible, but it is rare and unlikely. If you get a TEFL certificate, you could increase your chances in other parts of the world (Eastern Europe, Spanish-speaking countries). If you go this route, I would definitely get a TEFL certificate, which in their class experience, as it would hold more weight. The application process, try some volunteers to do things at home, so that you are getting that experience might include in your resume

Lauren :. I saved all year and have with my friend for two months traveling in Southeast Asia. She leaves soon, and I have no idea what to do! How to choose and choose to use the options?

Have all. Select one, and if you do not like it, select another. You can also throw a coin and leave it to fate!

Sometimes I let as cheap decide a destination where I go next. Are you going to decide in Thailand if you should go to Hong Kong or Cambodia? I would start with Cambodia. Later you drive to Hong Kong, as it will be more expensive to get there and stay there

Natasha. My fiance and I are traveling Southeast Asia for 3-4 months starting in March. What is the best way to plan travel, when you are there?

Before you go there, you use a guide or Google, the best way to find out to get from the airport to the hostel. Then, when you are in the hostel, you can use the people for anything ask at desk

Pat: Which country has the strictest immigration / border patrol, you have encountered, and what they do need?

The United Kingdom. The British border control always seems to ask serious questions a ton. I have almost been refused for no proof of the onward journey with. I print still now my outbound flight or train ticket (and would never in the UK without one). I've seen get denied people. Ireland is too strict

Ben :. I want the best way to know to get your dollars into pesos in Argentina? I am eager to listen to their experiences, which made since last month the government have been major changes.

There are no more black market. You can easily get pesos at the ATM. The exchange rate was on par with the old black market. You still get people shouting "¡Cambio!" But ATMs are the best way. Credit also widely accepted

Katelyn. How can you live in such an expensive city like New York and afford to, yet the amount of travel you do, to do


I rent my apartment while I so I rent off I do not have to pay! Also I have two roommates to keep costs down! New York is not as expensive as people think. Sure, the rents are too high, but there are many ways to save money on food and drinks. It is a city of artists and actors not hungry, right? There have some ways to save money

Dani: What makes you look your backpack? Are there any that you would recommend? How much weight should be able to keep?

I have a REI Mars 65L. It is an old backpack they do not do more, which is actually too big. Seeking to get a smaller backpack, because I just have too much empty space inside me (light!). This article on rucksacks can be what help to get out. Still uncertain? More than 100 members of the community have their backpacks reviewed here

Sofia:.? What are three tips you would give to someone just starting their own small groups tours hosting abroad

  1. Make sure you know your customers and what they want
  2. not over plan - ..! let people sometimes explore on your own
  3. you make sure that any travel insurance has

Salma: Did you happen to recommend a Eurail or point-to-point tickets for two weeks in Europe for the journey?

For two weeks, I would say that it is doubtful that you would get the full value of a rail pass, so I would recommend point-to-point tickets for such a short trip.

William: I'm going to Vietnam to leave then return later in the month. Can I get a second visa or is there a deadline I wait before re-entry for a different visa, have?

The following will need a multi-entry visa. Here are the details. It's just a matter of application and the fees paid

Anna :. We'd love to hear from a woman's perspective more about traveling

Look at our bi-weekly column on female travel and the interviews I've done with female travelers. I try to do as many stories as the editorial schedule allows

Karen: I know that you have to pay a fee in Argentina prior to entry, and can not at the border. Is this a problem? Where / how to pay the fee?

To the visa fee to be paid on time, pay online at this website and fill in all. (Here are instructions in English.) You will need to print out the form before you go show it to the airline / immigration officer when you arrive

Samantha. Do you know or have met someone who travel the world with a pet? Is it possible to bring along an adventurous pet while also stick to a budget?

I do not have a lot of people go hit long with their pets. I'm sure they exist, but you do not see many in hostels! I would look on the website Dog Jaunt or the Lonely Planet forums offered (like ours) and ask yourself to

Morgan :. Have many language barriers encountered in your travels? How did you overcome them?

language is not a big deal, especially when you learn English. It is one of the languages ​​that someone know a little everywhere. Only if you really climb the beaten track it's really hard. I try to learn a few phrases before I go, and I keep a phrase book with me.

pointing and charades really help. Mime out what you want. This works a surprising amount of time. I said, "Choo-Choo" in Ukraine to give to the taxi driver that I needed to go to the station. It worked

Most human communication anyway nonverbal is

Michelle :! How to deal with the coming inevitably home?

It all depends on the trip. Sometimes I'm ready to see my family and friends and many events have to look forward to when I get back. But mostly I'll come to my regular, monotonous life to explore the crazy, exciting plot of travel and home. When this happens, I try by classes to fight my post-trip depression and to learn something new. But usually, after a while, I just overseas a new ticket at the end of the purchase

These articles deal with all matters of coming home:

  • The culture shock Coming Home
  • I'm just a stranger in a strange land now?
  • post-trip depression
  • travel and the art of losing friends

Emmanuel: What is the best app that you recommend to help you a round the world trip planning

This is probably for most people to a shock will come, but I do not use travel apps to plan my trips. I do not think they are so great for the planning process. Guides and websites are much better

traveler alone in a beautiful setting
Laura: I am two weeks to go to Thailand! Which places would you recommend we see?

Look at my Thailand guide to all my favorite places to see. There are a lot, as I have been in the country for ten years!

If I had one thing to decide to see, I'd recommend to do it at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai. Elephants are a big part of the culture and is a great place to learn how to bathe feed, and protect the elephants

Kathryn. What happens when you come to run out of pages in your passport when traveling

, the US no problem more extra pages, so you need to go to the nearest embassy or consulate in your passport and a new obtain

Carmen:?! Why do not you ever travel to Mexico or Central America?

I was several times in Mexico and Central America. I love the region. I think actually a couple of trips there next year to run. You can see

my guide to Central America and all my blog posts about the region here. Tom: How to go people who want a bribe

Honestly, I've never been asked a bribe to pay. I'm not sure how to handle the situation. It would depend on the circumstances, I think. Would I pay my life to save? You bet! Would "well?" From some To get pay no most cops do not want to do the paperwork and looking for some quick and easy cash, as the "fear" of a foreign prison is enough to get people to pay money

But as I said, it's never happened to me

Diane: ..? Which culture Your favorite was living

All of them? I have lived in many countries. In addition to the US, I consider Thailand to be my second home

Colten:.? What is the best advice for students

If you are a student who is eager to travel, study abroad for one semester (or in one year!). It's something I missed and there was regret my largest travel! Studying abroad gives you access to such a cool side of other countries, the tourists who pass through without access. You get to go much deeper into the culture. You have instant friends (classmate), a place to stay to do (a dorm) with locals, and an endless list of things (classes in another country are much more interesting) and college activities. It's also great because students are notoriously broke, so everything is cheap, cheap, cheap

Shelly: What is the best international bank? I try to avoid charges while traveling in Ireland in March.

If you are an American, Charles Scwhab is the only bank card worth. It's the one I had in years. There is no ATM fees, and they will refund all fees charged and are. Save on ATM fees is a small way to save a lot of money

Rachelle: What are your thoughts on budget travel options in Myanmar? And where is the best place to look?

The best site for travel in Southeast Asia (except me!) Is Travel. This point is all the travel information you need for Myanmar

Charlie :. What do you think about the "slow travel" movement? Have you ever traveled slowly

slow travel, adventure travel, flashpacking - get name and go. I travel straight. I do not like, all labels that come with traveling. Travel at the pace that you are comfortable with and that you caused the least amount of stress

Mac :. If you quit your job, traveling the world, how much money do you need to start? Your trip

I spent two years to save over and had a little less than $ 20,000 USD saved for my journey

Gloria. How do you respond to the developing countries who do not know how yet manage mass tourism or operate?

It would be nice if every tourist handled in a responsible way, but that's not the case. Look at the Asia tsunami in 04. This is a good chance to start fresh, and now most of these places are still better than before.

How can I blame a man trying to feed his family for taking the quick and easy solution? And often governments are corrupt and locals do not have a say in the matter.

Education is important and NGOs play a strong role, but so do we. Use affect your money exchange. Common tourist sites and hotels, which have a strong commitment to the environment. Use local operators.

And if you see something wrong, say something.

Never underestimate the power of money as an incentive to get people to do the right thing.

Allan: As you seldom travel cold temperatures in winter (December to February)

I hate the cold. I grew up in Boston and spent 25 years shoveling snow. I do not like it. Once in awhile, I'll go somewhere in the cold (like Iceland!) For a bit, but I'd rather be warm

Allan:.? What is to photograph your favorite season

fall. I love everything about it. The air, the light, the colors of the trees - it's all perfect

Richard :. Best travel now credit card

There are some good total credit? like the Chase Sapphire Preferred, Barclays World and Starwood American Express, but the best credit card is the one that you closer to whatever your travel destination, it is getting. If you do not have a specific goal in mind and want a general purpose card, try the one above or the one here.

This is it! I hope these questions and answers helped answer some of your questions, but if you have any, feel free to leave them in the comments section, and I will answer them!

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