
The innocuous leader to stay in shape while

The innocuous leader to stay in shape while -

Author of Level Up Your Life rock climbing while traveling
Travel Many moons ago I came across an article about a man who around the world airline hacked travel ticket for $ 418. the article was published in Gizmodo (I was a bit jealous I have the article not write) and contained a blogger named Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness . I began to read his site, and we exchanged some news, finally met at a conference and quickly became close friends. (Now he lives in New York City, and I can not get rid of him!) Steve is one of the largest health and fitness bloggers out there with Nerd Fitness reach nearly 2 million people per month !!! I ping it always for diet and fitness advice.

Well, Steve has a book named Level Up Your Life . It's a detailed guide to get in shape, stay motivated, and these epic quests do all you ever wanted to do. Like the site, it uses "nerdy" refers to the point to convey. I read it, loved it, and took copious notes! It is worth every penny! Today, he gives us an in-depth advice on how to stay in shape on the road. Steve, take it away!

A few years back, after in some guy called Matt Stolper travel website, I was inspired to travel the world for 18 months, starting in Australia. When I landed in Sydney to start my life as a nomad, there is one thing,

get out of shape over all other, which scares me .:

(OK, I was really spiders fear also)

every time I had traveled in the past, I did my training and healthy diet went right out the window, because :. "Hey, I'm out" returning home from a trip was like five taking giant steps backward on my health and start from scratch. It bummed me, but I was always worried out that amazing meal or big night missing.

I bet we can all relate.

But on this journey large multi-month trip, I thought: "Hey, I run a company Nerd Fitness called - if I can not find a way to travel and to stay healthy, ever take advice from me would "I needed the way to go, not just talking about [

I also wanted to prove that it was possible to have everything. That you can also healthy and strong and fit, and have remain amazing adventure, say yes to the parties, eat local food, and while traveling at the moment live.

I traveled in more than 20 countries, hiked the Great Wall of China, swam with sharks, pursuing wild animals in South America, and even lived as James Bond in Monaco. I also sang in German at Oktoberfest in Germany, partied 'til dawn at carnival in Rio, island-hopping in Croatia during the yacht-week, and danced on the beaches of Thailand on a Full Moon Party.

I learned on that trip that be healthy and "live in the moment" need not be mutually exclusive. In fact, can be great for helping you to live in the moment and to say yes even to adventure.

I just published a book entitled Level Up Your Life to help people to be healthier lives adventurous life and how to put a plan in place to achieve this, and it covers some of the things below along with more travel assistance. Today Matt wanted to share with you some of my advice. ( Matt says : And also with me, because I always feel that I gain ten pounds, I travel !)

So here's a design for healthy living, take care of yourself, and do everything, nor the fun things you want to be made to travel in the first place.

A workout that you can do anytime, anywhere!

Getting an unconventional workout in at the sand dunes while traveling
When most people think of exercise, they usually think of people to torture in a gym with weight machines and runs at a time, for hours on the treadmill like a hamster , Big.

In addition, when you are traveling, the last thing you want to think about it is cooped up in a gym, you should be made to explore your new surroundings. I used to be a gym trying to be rat to be fit, and it was not until I started traveling, I behind had to dig really in the motivation, why we should take care of us:

So we can do cool activities that remind us why you must be amazingly alive!

we did not only get on this planet a chance and we only have one body to do it in, so we should probably take care of ourselves. Fortunately, if we do a few basic things and a few important systems created during the trip (and if we are not on the road), we will be ready, what to do, wherever, whenever. Jackpot!

reason you workout anywhere can do
Steve Kamb from Nerd Fitness at Machu Picchu in Peru to start
, and hopefully this is a matter of course, things to do, your bike like riding, hiking and tours to go hiking is a fantastic start to build a healthy body . It is exercise that really does not feel like exercise because you have to explore new locations like Indiana Jones or Carmen Sandiego.

But I also want to teach you a basic training that you can do anywhere on the planet. I know this is true because I have done it in a parking lot in Singapore, a bus stop in New Zealand, in the middle of the Australian outback and other absurd places.

This basic strength training exercise is very helpful to have a great experience while traveling: if you power-train, you can make your muscles, joints build and tendons stronger every time - be prepared for each activity that you throw at them. Best of all, it's fast, targeting every muscle in your body with just a few functional movements, and can be completed anywhere. This training can be strong and healthy to help obtain and have plenty of time, whatever you need to do to do.

Here is a complete walk-through video from a few years of me again a basic training with different reporting variations for each exercise, at a playground in Manta, Ecuador:

one might ask where to find a playground? Easy! Whenever you get to a new city, look at Google Maps, or talk to the person who is running your hostel and ask for the nearest park. All you need is enough to do floor space your squats and push. ups, and some of your chins

I have done, to hang pull-ups on branches, bus stop projections and parking structures; Squats and lunges in the middle of a desert outside of a tent; and push-ups virtually anywhere.

(Can not do pull-ups ... still or can not find a tree branch? Bodyweight rows a desk or table, or pick up your bags and doing dumbbell. Rows Anything you with only your can do body)

to the Nomadic Matt Travel workout plan Try .:

  • 3 sets of 10 bodyweight squats
  • 3 sets of 10 push-ups
  • 3 sets of 10 lunges
  • 3 sets of 10 reverse crunches
  • 3 sets of 10 backpack stands

to the above training followed every other day or even once in the week, and it will help you stay on target and keep ready for anything.

The best part? It all counts!

If you have five minutes here and there, that's fine. Do squats when you can. Crank out a few pull-ups, if you find something, while hanging on the way, or bust a board in an epic location, because why the hell not.

The diet is 80% of the battle!

Steve relaxing in New Zealand on his year overseas
Ugh, no one wants to hear this during the trip, but what you will eat explain 80-0 percent , how you look and feel. Serious! You can not have a bad diet, leave behind and you can not out-train either. What we are trying to follow a diet is to avoid the depression and the crash that follows a journey of overeating abroad: "Ugh, where do all these fat come from time to starve me," No, no more

Let us instead an appropriate plan put in place so that we can not go overboard during the trip and thus skip drastic action when we get back home - Something that is consistently and sustainably.

How do we do that? By creating a simple, kickass diet plan easy to follow on the planet and can be used anywhere is everywhere:

  • eating real food most of the time. Liquid calories are brutal.
  • Rely. Not to meal timing or counting calories
  • Have your best. Do not freak out!

What we aiming for foods that kept us going and keeps you on target, ie mostly vegetables, some form of protein (be it from animal sources or legumes) and then some fruits and / or nuts -. occasionally a little rice or potatoes and minimal bread or pasta or liquid calories

You have probably heard of this type of diet called "The Paleo Diet" or "like a caveman to eat." It is the ultimate time-tested nutrition strategy as you are natural foods to eat that have existed for millennia. Better yet, these foods can generally be found anywhere on the planet, and it keeps things simple, so you need more than counting calories or worry about your food weighing. There is an I have employed with great success in the world, but it is necessary that you make to be deliberate in your decision at every meal.
Jumping out of a plane on a skydiving adventure with a partner
ask, could be specifically what you should and should not eat and how much. Let's start with the "what" and end then we can use the "how much." Ceiling Cap'n Crunch, pizza, pasta, bread, sweets, soda - these are all processed foods full of nonsense, so we should avoid them if we can.

from natural sources on quality food (this can often more easily abroad, the focus should, as it is in the United States, as it appears at this country to grains, high-fructose corn syrup built sugar and carbohydrates)

here is what your diet should build :.

  • meat : Real animals with four legs
  • Fowl : chicken, turkey, duck, chicken - things with wings
  • fish : This also includes shrimp, lobster, crabs, clams, mussels and other aquatic inhabitants
  • eggs :. Chicken eggs, ostrich eggs, but not eggs Cadbury
  • vegetables : Dark, leafy green vegetables are a favorite. No, corn is not a vegetable
  • Oils : olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil - naturally think
  • fruit : A well. Source of carbohydrates, but they can contain a lot of natural sugar and be higher in calories, contain them so if you are trying to lose weight
  • nuts :. loaded with healthy fats but high in calories, they are good for a snack, but do not eat bags and bags of them
  • Tubers :. Sweet potatoes and yams. Higher in calories and carbohydrates, but well right after training
  • Bacon :.! Natural sweets

Each meal should have a source of protein and at least one plant; Add some fruit and nuts. Avoid dairy products and cereals or eat only in minimal amounts

Now I can already see forehead wrinkles, and probably the following question :. "What is rice and pasta That's all I eat when I travel?" I get it - the cheap backpacker diet consists of rice, beans and pasta - the most calories for the least amount of money (usually more money liberalize for more drinking, haha). These foods are pretty much just calories and carbohydrates. If you try to be healthy, make sure you eat protein and vegetables

Consuming little rice or pasta or beans is fine. just do not make it the only thing you eat, just so you can drink more. Your body will thank you, I promise.

Steve Kamb doing cartwheels on a beach paradise
This is something that I struggled with when I started traveling until I made a commitment to me better, start eating what I demanded more money for food to start ( to protein, vegetables, etc.). Book I either more money before I (may mean a few dollars a good meal in many countries!) on my trip went Or is stored elsewhere (spending by less nights drinking). It requires a little discipline, but if you are healthy to stay committed and not ruin your body (and waistline!) During the journey, it requires that you make some changes.

You not only need to eat broccoli and chicken on travel and ignore everything tastes good. Instead, try 80% of meals to make healthy, and then eat what you want the other couple of meals. Your body is bad to eat after a bad meal not balloon, but if you make a bad meal month, it will cause problems

So to find balance. if you go a great unhealthy eating dinner, eat a small breakfast and lunch. If you only had a massive breakfast, skip lunch - it balances at the end of the day. Skipping a meal can be called intermittent fasting and can actually be really advantageous!

I also implement the "never two in a row" rule. I never eat two bad meals in a row. When I'm at a place known for something unhealthy and delicious, I make sure that the meals are before and after really healthy so a bad meal not to a habit

The Nomadic Matt Nutrition Travel strategy .:

  • eating real food! Most vegetables, some protein and then fruit and nuts.
  • beans, rice, sweet potatoes and potatoes are fine in moderation.
  • Avoid processed junk, sugar and liquid calories such as soda, juice, and so on.
  • implementation of "never two in a row rule."

Party with purpose

Level Up Your Life author drinking German beer at Oktoberfest
I love parties. I stay happy to stay there and party with the best of them, if it could be a chance to go something epic. Just ask Matt! (Actually, not Matt ask - he knows too much.)

Here is something you already know: drinking alcohol is not exactly healthy for you. But then again, neither is staying up too late, not enough to spend time in the sun, spend in the sun too much time playing video games for too long, eating unhealthy foods, etc.

And yet we all do many of these things; we have to make compromises, as we live our lives and have fun.

I believe drink occasionally can be done in moderation, and a healthy lifestyle can still be achieved. If you decide that you want to drink good for you. If you decide that you do not drink, that's fine too. You know best. Be smart

So, rather than tell you to stop drinking, we want to find a way to fit into your schedule so that you without your waistline bulge can be happy and give. A raging headache

Here is the Nomadic Matt Healthy Drinking Strategy:

  • Wine and Spirits (sipped slowly) without mixer the "healthiest" options.
  • Light beers and good beers are second-best solution, in moderation (duh).
  • Sugary Drinks or energy drink and alcohol combinations (I see you, Thailand!) Are terrible for you. Sugar is literally the devil.
  • water between each drink to drink. It works like a charm, I promise.

calories now from drinks can really add up, so can the crappy food that you consume when you're drunk ... so try to celebrate with the purpose. Wine, beer, liquor. Know yourself, and be smart about it.

You can also have some fun with it, if you're like me crazy. In Croatia during Yacht Week last year I came up with a rule that I had 10 squats and 10 push-ups to do each morning, consumed for each drink the night before. What started as a joke between my boatmates, suddenly accountability was tactics. You GLAD helped me to count my drinks and then the next morning count my push-ups on the deck of the yacht.

be active and have fun

Steve Kamb bungee jumping during travels
Theodore Roosevelt an adventurer in his own right, said it best: "Do what you can, with the,. what you have, where you are "

Instead of trying to be perfect, we can" good enough ", while we have 're traveling. Often there are once-in-a-lifetime experience that you need to go your diet or exercise routine.

Exercise does not have to consume your life either. It can be used as striving to be as easy to sign up for a bike opt to drive through town and deliberately lost, prepare hiking on small trips even for longer trips.

You can also mix in some activities that do not feel like exercise - but:

  • tango lessons in Argentina
  • Capoeira Training in Brazil
  • Muay Thai training in Thailand
  • walking anywhere and everywhere

Regardless of your condition, there are fun activities comes from the countries you're visiting that for a good way to make, to meet new people, train in an activity that is new to you, and get your heart racing! I like to think of them as missions or quests to complete in addition to just the sights, but that's just the nerd in me

The Nomadic Matt strategy for healthy Awesome Travel :.

  • Make exercise part of who you are. Walk more. Say yes to hiking.
  • Strength train at least once a week. Follow the playground workout!
  • eating real food. Do not go for cheap calories all the time.
  • Never eat two bad meals in a row.
  • party on purpose! Drink water to. Sugar is bad.
  • Have your best. ! Every bit counts

Remember, you do not "all or nothing" to be - you just have to be good enough. And each decision helps! Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you take advice from today and use it to help you on your next trip!

Steve Kamb is the author of Level Up Your Life , now available in bookstores nationwide. When he's not traveling or celebrate with Matt runs NerdFitness.com to help a global community of average Joes and Jills today live a better life, the world.

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