
6 women who staff Mountains Conquered the World to travel

6 women who staff Mountains Conquered the World to travel -

Female traveler sitting on top of a mountain staring onto the ocean overseas
A the second some Wednesday of the month, Kristin Addis of Be My travel muse a guest column writes with tips and advice for solo female travel. It is an important issue, I can not adequately cover, so I brought to share in an expert their advice. This week she writes about fellow female Travellers also to explore the world.

I used to ask me what the archetypal solo female traveler was like. I would ask: Who out there right now travels since the world to himself? Is it something like me? Has it something special that I did not? Is it braver, stronger, or in any way different from the girl looking in the mirror me back? Does it have a kind of background have to travel it around the world safely and independently, with nothing but allowed what they can afford the?

I was not sure if I was cut out for traveling on your own. I was a little shy, not confident I could rough it in tight buses and mosquito net covered beds in shared rooms, and asked me if I was strong enough to carry the backpack. Doomsday scenarios went through my mind: Maybe I would not meet anyone, I had robbed, or I would hate and want to come home. But the urge to travel in me was so strong that I just had to test the water and find out.

Once I started traveling, I met women from all walks of life. Some were a total fear cats, trying new foods were afraid, but they were traveling there alone, facing their fears. Some were beauty queens who spent at home again for hours in front of the mirror, but there they were, makeup-free, sitting opposite me and sweating in the humid Thai sun, love every minute of it. Some were only 18, and even without much life experience, they were there to conquer the world.

Today I want to share the stories of six female travelers who have saved money, conquered their fears and followed her heart. I talk a lot about my experience in this series, and now I want to present practical examples of other solo female travelers.


Girl in yellow dress posing in front of the Louvre, Paris
Natalie, 28, worked as a fashion designer in New York City and began selected their travels, later every weekend a new neighborhood of the Big Apple to explore to Washington to expand, Boston, Philadelphia and other countries in North America.

Finally it so that they could become self-employed, have more freedom, and in June this year, she took the plunge and quit their job to start in full-time all travel. Their first task was to stop at their family home in the north of Germany, and from there officially began her adventure.

"living alone in New York City has taught me to be a penny-pincher. My best advice money can be saved for a trip or anything else, write down how much you need to save, and any salary plus $ 10.05 . USD in the glass

"If I quit my job and sold all my stuff in June 2015, I realized how much stuff really need, I did not; the money of my entire life sales minus a suitcase my travel money is, "she says of their ability to afford the trip

Your Best Solo Travel Tips ." Be bold and do not be afraid to do something alone and really even there to meet new people to clear with respect. The advantage is to travel alone, you do not have to mean your own pace and learn at your own company in order to be easily "

What do we learn :. Travel Solo start with a one -Way ticket to the other side of the world and never looking back. From local and gradually branching is a great way to get your feet wet before expanding into new countries.


Woman posing infront of the landscape during her global travels
Sandy, 52, her wearing many professional hats in native Canada before deciding to go early retirement and traveling solo. It started as Air Force engineer, then moved in occupational safety and health, and finished in the prosecution .

she had always loved traveling and as soon as the opportunity to meet an early retirement to be presented, decided that the time to do it now, while it is enough still healthy, it enjoy. She has, followed by the USA examined their own backyard in Western Canada, and now she is learning to surf in Costa Rica.

keeps you on the street, thanks to a modest pension, and added. "It's a matter of you figuring out how I much every day, and then decisions that remain within that budget, it is not always easy - sometimes I just have an activity deter and work it into the budget of next month "

Top Solo travel Tips :" the most travelers I meet are quite young. but there are a couple close to my age. the best suggestion I can offer is simply out there and do it. No matter how old you are, the decisions are yours to make, and it's so gratifying out that it your dream following "

What we can learn . There are no right or wrong time, and it's never too late (or too early!) To start traveling alone.


Happy female gardening overseas in the dirt
Cinthya, 25, makes traveling part of their studies or Endorses Voluntary organizations as a way to give and travel at the same time back. While they pursue in social work her undergraduate degree, she volunteered and interned at charities and NGOs in Guatemala and for one semester in Germany. This fall, she began a nine-month multi-continent master program as a way to combine their study and love of travel.

offers its travels make them a part of their tuition fees, and for the extras, she says, "to make himself responsible for my expenses, I have to write everything down, I have to pay for the whole day and later to analyze. I also have a budget poster in my room, I fill on a weekly basis to see if I spend the allowable amount of money on food, alcohol, coffee and other issues. "

Top Solo travel Tips : your family and friends ask if they know someone in the country to visit your family (and own) to alleviate fears: "My family was going nervous about me to Central America and would discourage me go, but I was very confident that I would be fine. to reassure them, and sometimes even, I would talk to people who've already gone and collect their positive experiences. also, I would talk to friends who are from Central America and ask me to connect with their family members who are still there. Through this networking, I was able to make connections before I got there, which gave me and my family some comfort "

What can we learn . The combination of traveling alone with volunteering, interning and studying abroad is an excellent way to price to win credit and solo travel experience at a time. It is also a good way to ease into it, to meet with possibilities friends in the form of fellow students, volunteers and / or interns who are likely to be from around the world.


Closeup of a female who loves to travel, pink lips
Marissa, 30, went on a backpacking trip in the early 20s with a friend and fell in love . travel Since then she has traveled mainly solo, not choosing to wait until friends can join;. how professionals work, they can not always take holidays at the same time to

these days it is as Biotech consultants and freelance marketers social media, so that they have a set schedule, no can make a full time income "the typical 9-to-5 does not work for me." Recalling

the cooperation of several orders without rigid schedules, they will leave when they have a break in their work and so far has traveled to Asia, North Africa and most of Europe. She adds: "I have been using shorter trips began my comfort level to come up."

Top Solo Travel Tips : "Any other priorities has, when it comes to ride on the road, which is determined with keys to your Budget Stretching that, and knowing where endangering. I like to spend on accommodation and save on other things such as transportation, food, etc. realistic budget, keep in mind, when to save money, and know what is important "

What can we learn .: need to see the world not always keep your studies or set mean a research. In Marissa case, it is to travel in a position, thanks to the flexibility of working freelance contracts. But even if you. In a situation where you are working a 9-to-5 job and have a fixed amount of vacation time, you can save it and Travel For example, I get a week's holiday per year, but I have always all on a trip to Central America. When it comes to traveling, where there's a will, there's a way. If your friends can not take their vacation at the same time, you take a little time for yourself and go somewhere solo. The time away is perfect for charging.


Solo female traveler sitting in a hotel lobby abroad
Joanna, 34, did not begin as a solo traveler. She was married to 27 and went with three other women who reminded on her first short backpacking trip to Thailand when she was 31 because during this trip she met so many people, Solo were traveling and living their life to the fullest , which, once again to Europe, she was hooked on travel and immediately began planning anther trip. This time she went solo.

When she returned, she knew the journey was life for them and that they did not want to stay in Europe. After a divorce, she chose to finally take the plunge and Australia, and much of Southeast Asia traveling long on their own through. She says the decision: "Life is too short, and the world is waiting to be discovered", adding that the retirement age reached no guarantee is, and she felt like she could not wait. These days, she is an expat in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where she teaches English.

She did not have the support of her family at first, noting: "I come from a small town in Poland, and long -term trip, especially solo, is not that it shared the. people were very surprised when I told them about my plans. I think many of them thought that I. They tried to divorce through a kind of crisis to talk me out of it. But at the end of the day, I did what I did, and I've never regretted "

Top Solo travel Tips " Solo travel can be lonely at times, and this is the worst for me, but if I feel that way. I try to speak generally to the locals or stay somewhere where I know I would meet someone new, or use CouchSurfing. I treat also this usually as an adventure and know that is something to talk about it later, so why stress "

What can we learn : Beginning with a few friends or a significant other with entirely traveling solo, if this option is available, is a good way, the water before trying it out on your own. Chances are that you will meet people who are out there alone, and you will have a chance to see what it is for them before you take the plunge himself. In addition, you can always take a hardness and it turn into a reason to travel the world, especially since the number of jobs for experienced English speakers available these days.


Woman nomad riding a camel at the Pyramids in Egypt
Kirsten, 35, used to work full time as a marketing copywriter before deciding to take a sabbatical and travel around the world. She felt as if her life was moving too fast, that she would blink and 80 be, without having lived their dream, to explore the world. She realized that there was nothing she holds, as a man, the children, or mortgage, put on the brakes and step really live outside their comfort zone and experience the world.

The problem? No one was available to accompany them on their adventure, and she was afraid that she would be lonely if they went on their own because of their introverted nature. She decided to go anyway, and it begins just wrapped month 3 of a year-long trip in Barcelona and continued through Portugal, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Croatia.

She says the trip has helped her come out of their shell and added: "I have several objectives with this trip, and one of the greatest to gain confidence and overcome my introverted manner - that is absolutely what is happening, and it seems natural to be the case, which is such a great feeling "

Top Solo travel Tips :" For my fellow introverts are traveling. want, but the feeling that the world seems too big, loud and crazy to negotiate. your solo travel experience is your own, and it can be customized to fit your comfort zone, you will notice, however, that your comfort zone is much greater than you ever thought - and the world is smaller than you'd feared "

What we can learn . Many people are shy by nature and fear that it will result in a lonely solo journey. The good news is that solo travelers want to meet others, and there are a lot of us out there. Chances are you'll come out of your shell gradually as you travel.

solo female travelers come from all parts of society and in all colors, creeds and ages. There is really no personality trait, skills or physical property possessed by each and every individual travelers. There is nothing that a person to travel more able than another makes on her own. And women have shown in the above examples, there are all kinds of ways to work while in your life, whether you begin by installing in your studies to take after retirement of the road, or do it at some point in between ,

Kristin Addis is a former investment banker who sold all of her belongings and offer California farewell favor of solo travels through Asia while to look for off-the-beaten path adventure. There is almost nothing that they will not try, and almost nowhere they will not discover. You can find more of her thoughts at MyTravel his muse or on Twitter and Facebook

Conquering mountains. The Guide for Solo Female Travel

conquering mountains: solo female travel by kristin addis For a complete A to Z guide on solo female travel out Kristin new book Conquering mountains . In addition to the discussion of many practical tips in preparing and planning your trip is aimed the book, the fears, security and emotional concerns about traveling, women alone. It has more than twenty interviews with other female travel writers and travelers. Click here to learn more about the book, as it can help you, and you can start to read it now!

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