
9 Summer Reads your wanderlust to satisfy

9 Summer Reads your wanderlust to satisfy -

A Year in Provence book cover image At the beginning of the new year, I swore a book per week to read, and I'm proud to say I am achieving this objective , I even started a book club to help me concentrate (I mean, can you recommend any books, if you do not read, do not you?).

Thanks to my grandmother I always addicted to reading (Unfortunately, not everyone is: 28% of people who read a book !! last year). I feel like I might be the only person who read the unabridged version of Les Miserables , when he was thirteen years old! After years of sporadic reading, digesting this year, so many books has nourished my long book-starved soul.

And with the summer travel season in full swing, I wanted my recent favorite reads to share. A good book makes long flights to go faster.

A Year in Provence

A Year in Provence book cover image I had before heard of this book, but it never bothered to pick up until several readers recommended me. I am glad that I finally read - it was amazing. An autobiographical novel follows the author Peter Mayle year life in Provence, it details the struggles and joys adapt to a new culture. I loved the interesting characters he meets and his description of the slow pace of life in France (which is a clear departure from his previous life in England was). As Francophile, me makes this book want to move to France even more. written Gorgeous and sadly, I can understand why it would be so, as a classic.

The art of travel

The Art of Travel book cover image Another reader recommendation, this book of [1945004schaut] why of traveling. What forces us to see the world? From the anticipation of a trip, get the plot from there, to be there, and the return of Alain De Botton discussed everything. Although dry in parts, this is one of the best written and most thoughtful travel books I've read in a really long time. Use of language and images of this author's incredibly challenging, and thought-provoking discussions about its beauty, travel and the mundane alike. I very highly recommend this book to read

Food Vietnam. Dispatches from a blue plastic table

Eating Viet Nam book cover image While I love Vietnam not (I did not have a good experience there), I love Vietnamese food ... much! This is a wonderful book about the history and culture behind the street cuisine of the country. Author Graham Holliday has lived a long time in Vietnam, and he knows that his food. In this addictive and hunger inducing book, you will walk with him through the streets of Vietnam, learning about the street food that you see all over the country, and thereby, the country and its people begin with their first love for understand .

Visit Sunny Chernobyl

Visit Sunny Chernobyl book cover image What it is to visit the most polluted places on the planet like? Inspired by a trip to Kanpur, India (as one of the most polluted cities in the country), put Andrew Blackwell from oil towns to visit coal mines, the Pacific Garbage Patch, and, of course, Chernobyl. In many ways, I found this to be the anti-travelogue. It has inspired me not to go anywhere, but it did arouse my intellectual curiosity about the places that remain hidden from everyday view. Blackwell conversational writing style, self-deprecating jokes and sarcasm make this book an easy and entertaining read.

Travel with Charley in search of America

Travels with Charley in Search of America book cover image John Steinbeck's famous travel book ... that he made most probably! Now generally believed that most Steinbeck fictionalized the adventures in his book, the writing is so pleasant that there is still a worthwhile read. In 1960, he tells of Steinbeck's travels in the United States with his dog Charley as colorful on the way popular hit, characters. This book is about this cool road trip that will take all of us and the people we want to meet. It is a fun read that you can easily overlook the fact that many of the stories are embellished.

The Kindness of Strangers

The Kindness of Strangers: Penniless Across America book cover image Mike McIntyre to travel put across America away with nothing but the clothes on their backs. His goal? To no money San Francisco get to Cape Fear, which. Solely on the kindness of strangers Along the way, he meets all sorts of people who broke the cynical journalist in him. hitchhiked Once in situations in many countries and where I needed help from strangers, I found this book (republished last year on his 20th birthday) a beautiful reminder that people well all over the world in general, are those souls.

And if you want some non-travel books, these were also good:

Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr. - This biography of John D. Rockefeller by Ron Chernow is long and dense, but it gives you a wonderful insight into the richest man to ever live and how Standard Oil and its subsequent philanthropy is changing the world.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - a classic book by Stephen Covey, as your time and priorities to organize to perform better, contemplative life. I can not recommend enough this book.

Empire of Cotton. A Global History - Sven Beckert interesting and detailed insight into the history of cotton and how they shaped the world

So you have it! Nine books in order to read well and inspired this summer! I will like to do this each contribute, as often as I think books are wonderful source of wanderlust (and personal growth).

If you are looking for other books to read, take the free community book club. Once a month, you can find a list of five books received, the other community members and I have enjoyed. We even have a forum to speak for the book club where members can earn on the books !!!

P.S. - If you have book suggestions, leave them in the comments. I need to read more and more.

P.P.S. Next John Waters' carsick -. It is a very boring to read.

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