
The search for a more balanced life

The search for a more balanced life -

nomadic matt in bermuda Somewhere in Wyoming, I realized my life was gone lane. I was at a viewpoint, these majestic mountains looks out of the ground in the distance rises, and all I could think was "OK, it's time to go!"

When I got back in the car, I longed to stay longer, but I had to drive 1500 miles and little time to do it in.

During my book tour, I was often asked: "your travels are as interesting as they are now, that travel be used, the work"


as a travel writer works definitely changed how I travel. In the past, every day on the road Saturday. I had nothing to do, and all the time to do it in, but travel is different now: .. I need more to stay in each destination in order, in writing to balance the work, research, and just having fun

While I love this blog to the people I meet, and everything I do, there are times when you realize your life has become unbalanced.

Wyoming was one of those times. had

Both work and play to suffer. I could not keep up with either. Projects and ideas accumulated, but no one was harmed. I never had time to do the things that relaxes me and was tired and exhausted.

When I returned to New York City was in the last month, I decided to go back to find balance. I have a schedule clearly separate work time and my time. help I committed people who run the site, more reading, the gym replied, and began dancing class swing again.

Tomorrow is my thirty-fourth birthday, and if this past year has taught me anything, it is that the time is the most precious commodity in the universe. One can never get back, and we have so little of it. I thought a lot, I saw lately about the time TV over reading, drank a little too much, spent too much, and the gym skipped because "it's always tomorrow."

But there is no tomorrow. There is only this moment now, and you must ask yourself: "Am I as my time?"

I recently read the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective , which talks about a lot of inner balance and time management. I realized that the person to be, I wish, and do the things I want to do, there is to be a better balance in my life needs.

Through my time for the use of what is really important (Sorry, Facebook, you need to go. It is not true, it's me!), I can concentrate on improving my life and the life the people around me.

This is about the progress ... because every moment of every day is a chance to be just a little better than they are used.

And if I help just one thing to do each day, next year, I can only be where I want to be.

Or at least in the right direction.

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