
A reminder to rolls with the punches

A reminder to rolls with the punches -

A gushing waterfall flowing freely Bonjour Paris! Today I start my next European tour group. For two weeks I'm going to 12 readers some of my favorite bars, restaurants and locations in Western Europe instead.

We begin in Paris, a city that I can not get enough. My countless visits here never boring. Walking its cobbled streets down, gazing at the Eiffel Tower, in one of its parks Lounging and smells fresh bread and cheese on the markets fills me with joy. It's like all over again in love.

My recent trip to Paris should be easy. In my annual trip to Las Vegas with friends, I was a flight, land in Paris relax on board and on the Seine before you could say Les Misérables .

But it was not meant to be.

after the world's most beautiful Agent check-in, I went to my goal. Sitting down, I noticed, had changed our flight time 10:40 to 12:40, that we would put in NYC 17 minutes from my flight to Paris. However, as 11 people were on my flight to Paris connects and JFK stop was a total bottom, it was a chance my Paris would be delayed flight and all would be right with the world.

I went to get lunch and some work to do.

But when 0:40 rolled around and we were not on board, I was nervous. Suddenly we were not now scheduled to leave until 14.00, I would miss definitely my flight to Paris. The agent Tor could not tell me anything, so frustrated, I called American Airlines reservations.

Yes, they knew about the situation and had already diverted me.

Your Solution? A 10:55 flight to London, a six-hour layover in Heathrow and then a final flight to Paris at 4 am local land.

I was quiet, as my mind by what would be such a slow running long day of travel. I would get on the same day to Paris, but like a zombie from so little sleep. I put my feet on the way to my hostel shuffling, "sleep" instead of chanting "brains".

No, that was not attractive to me.

I asked if I could just come back for a next day flight and keep my original itinerary. "No problem," she said. I would land in Paris Friday morning, but better after a good night and without a long layover.

hanging, I informed the gate agent my plans. She called down to see if she could unload my bag, but could not, so it would be waiting for me at JFK as a waiting lover before we ventured to Paris together.

Yes, that was a big inconvenience, but it was better than all the connecting flights. If the journey teaches us anything, it is to roll with the punches.

The next day, I got on the plane in Vegas, came in a zombie-like state to JFK, and continued to find out where my bag was. Having recently lost bags, I assume never get my bag, where the airline says it will go.

The agent checked their system and said: "Yes, that was your bag scanned last night in NYC."

Phew, it had made it.

"everything for the flight evening is marked today, is not it?" I said.

"Hold on. I'll check," she replied.

silence. And then disaster.

"Hmm, well, that is odd. They do not look down, but they will check another holding area."

minutes later ...

"No , it is not there. We do not know where it could be. "

now I'm confused. When my bag made to them to JFK, where it would go? Bags are not internationally without a passenger to fly, and the bag was found to go with me on my flight.

The agent examines more, but with no luck. I began to stress and panic. Do not tell me, I lost another bag! The buying new clothes in Paris is expensive. What the hell, American Airlines ?!

After further investigation it turned out, my bag out had been marked for a previous Paris flight, but it was scanned never leave JFK shows, nor that they had already arrived in Paris.

"The bag should have been scanned," I was told.

But it was not, and no one was sure where it was.

, it was in the cargo area for my flight does not, it is not been down, and it was not possible to scan for the previous flight. Your best guess? It went unscanned to Paris, and I would just have to wait and see if it was there.

We are all slaves to our past experience. I lost bags or had it too late before arriving, and I was nervous that this would happen again. When an airline says it can not find your bag, it's usually not end well.

Stressed and tired, I have seen on my plane and hoped for the best. I slept hardly played as nightmare scenarios through my head. After we landed, I walked nervously to the baggage carousel.

And when I got there, I saw it. My beautiful gray backpack sitting there, waiting for me.

Despite a loss of Baggage handler easy to scan the bag in the system, it made it to Paris. I hung my bag passed over my shoulders and against immigration.

My timidity melted away and all was right with the world.

Travel is to roll with the punches, and it's situations like this, remember not good cause burden on margins. Delayed flights happen. change routes. Bags get misplaced.

Whatever happens, happens.

situations like this simply because remember to go with the flow and relax.

... and me to find a small book on backpack when I get home.

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