
Reader Story:

Reader Story: - As Jessica and her boyfriend worked their way around the world

jessica from ways of wanderers One of the things that keeps people from traveling, is money. Either they do not have enough, do not think they save enough, or annoy you with coming home not know enough about. It's easy to think, "I can not travel, I have no money", but there are a lot of ways, without having to travel with a small fortune. I worked abroad to fund my travels and keep me on the road. Last month we met Arielle, who worked on yachts to travel the world; This month we have Jessica and her boyfriend Brent hit (no relation to the Jessica in this post) and how it abroad doing odd jobs working for their trips

Nomadic Matt to pay. Say ! each about yourself
Jessica: I have with my friend Brent since September 2011. Our original plan was to spend 15 months on the road in Europe and Asia and then move back trips have been to Canada. Within the first few months, it became clear to both of us that this trip would not be a unique experience with a set end date. Travelling our goals, changed values ​​and expectations in a way that we never expected.

Now we go find opportunities to volunteer and work slowly as we go and visit in each country, we spend several months.

What inspires you to take two of your trip?
We had graduated from university, started our first "real" jobs, and settled basically in life as responsible adults. But we realized that we were at a point where we suddenly could lose 10 years in this routine: along rolling, the same jobs working to drink in the same bars every day, and every weekend. Or we could get away from the traditional route toward Promotions to jump babies, and a mortgage, and instead our lives as we live always had wanted.

We latter for.

jessica and brent from ways of wanderers in thailand
How do you have to plan your trip? Was your original intention to work and abroad voluntarily? If so, how did you find about the ways to do this?
We heard about WWOOFing by a friend of Brent, and that helped us, other work to explore exchange programs as Work Away and Helpx. We ended this exchange about WWOOFing preferable because it offered a wide range of places to volunteer, including guesthouses, hostels and homestays. We sat down with dozens of hosts and try to negotiate long-term stays of a month or more. We concluded that the less often we moved from host to host, which would be our total cost lower.

So was voluntary always part of our plan, but the countries that we visited arisen spontaneously. We emailed hosts in countries that are interested in and then walked us to where we found families who were open with us live and work with them.

Where did you go on your trip?
So far we have. After France, Spain, Wales, England, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Holland, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines and Japan Next, who knows? I'd really like to South America to branch or even Australia.

jessica from ways of wanderers

How did you save for your trip?
is We spent five months our journey to save and landed with $ 6,000 between the two of us. Our Work Away and Helpx arrangements, knew that we would have our families with us three meals a day and a place to sleep. This strategy significantly reduces how much we need to save before leaving.

In the months we have to store spent in Canada, we could draw a smaller apartment and sublease, which allows us to save a few hundred dollars in rent each month. I started on additional projects through sites like Elance take the income from my full-time job to supplement. Through Elance I was hired on a one-year contract processing of documents for an osteopathic training school. This job helped with our pre-trip savings, and I could go on with the project when we started traveling. That was not part of the plan initially, but it ended up a small income for the first six months of our travel offers. Just before leaving we sold all our furniture on Craigslist, because it is not practical, it was to save for an indefinite time anyway

jessica from ways of wanderers

Have you found it hard to scrimp and save?
It was surprisingly easy. It did not feel like we were scrimping and saving, as most of the changes we made were quite small. Again, we had a much lower financial target set, as I think most long-term travelers, because we always planned your voluntarily and during our trip work to manage our costs.

How long has to savings? Was what compelled you to look for better-paid work
Our savings took a little less than a year in Europe, and then we were left with a choice: go home or to find jobs. Working abroad also appealed to us because it was an opportunity to continue driving slowly. I feel like a week or two is not enough time to experience a country.

It's fantastic to have a temporary home base from which you can spend really Diving months in a country the food, culture and language.

What are you made for the job?
, we taught English in Thailand and now we bring in Japan.

How do you find this job?
had taught a few of my friends in South Korea, and recommended it for jobs on Dave's ESL Cafe Search. We have published every day on this job boards dozens of teaching positions throughout the world. Not every job was a gem, of course - we had a few interviews with unsteady recruiting agencies and irritating desperate schools. But within a few months we were hired both 3- to 12-year-olds in Thailand to teach.
jessica from ways of wanderers
teaching was kind of a shock at first, because none of us even took a TEFL had (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course, but overall it was a fun experience. We have the same job board in our current job teaching children and adults in Japan. In both cases helped our employers we acquire working visas and housing, so that the whole process was relatively simple, if we found companies that we felt about working for good.

How did you stay on budget while traveling?
we try and locals to live when we are traveling, because something is geared toward tourists would be too expensive almost always. This means figuring out how the locals get around, whether it is the public bus, scooter or jeepney, and skipping restaurants with air conditioning and English menus and instead of the streets eating out. The same goes for accommodation: sometimes we stay in hostels, but let's stay more often with locals we meet through Couchsurfing or Airbnb

Even still, budget travel as a permanent working feels in progress for me .. I am always looking for ways to make it even better and save even more.

What it is, traveling as a couple? How to avoid each other not to kill?
There is no question that it was at first a challenge. A lot of people will tell you that makes traveling together or breaks your relationship, and it's true. It's hard for the experience of eating, sleeping, working and doing everything together to prepare all the time. Plans rarely develop perfectly when you're on the road, so our ability to work through challenges together is constantly tested. We try to forgive each other quickly and not hold on to resentment after an argument. We had to be absolutely nothing to each other, convenient to learn to say and to ask for such space when we need them.

jessica from ways of wanderers

What advice would you have for people who are trying to do what you have done?
If traveling is something you want to do, then there are a million different ways to make it happen. For me at first was the biggest obstacle to money. I think that this is also the case for many other people. But once I started researching, I realized that it unlimited possibilities to travel without spending a lot of money, and ways to make money while traveling: teaching English, house-sitting, au pair, CouchSurfing, labor exchanges and working holiday visas are just a few ideas. Find what approach works best for you, and then there is literally nothing you to hold back.

I started way the Wanderers to keep in mind, inspiring our experiences and hopefully a few other people in the process.

How Arielle and countless other people, Jess and Brent learned that there are many ways to travel overseas, when you have no money. Instead their lack of money to get them to let you down, they found ways to make them by allowing them to reduce their costs and to find work abroad. It may always appear that we have a lot to save before we travel, but if we are flexible and willing to work for room and board or voluntarily, we can make our money deficit and extend our time on the road.

As they say, where there's a will, there's a way.


one of my favorite parts about this job is listening to travel stories of the people. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world. I hope these stories that show that your trip to reach more than one way to travel, and that it is within your reach goals. Here are other examples of people who work overseas to finance their trips:

  • How Oneika found teaching abroad
  • How Arielle got a job on yacht
  • As Emily English taught her RTW adventure to finance

we all come from different places, but we all have one thing in common: we all want to travel more

Make today the day. You take one step at travel closer - whether it is buying a guide, create a hostel booking an itinerary or to go all the way and a ticket to buy

Remember, tomorrow may never not come. waiting.

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