
As a harsh reality destroyed my dreams and why am I having this OK

As a harsh reality destroyed my dreams and why am I having this OK -

reality check I once had a dream. It was a damn good to dream. It started in November last year. I would end up in Asia, the last stop on my nomadic travel, explore all that I had not seen, and again all my favorites. I would visit Hong Kong, finally get to Laos, relax on the islands before Cambodia, hiking the jungles of Malaysia, Thailand show my friends, and a volunteer at an elephant park. It would be a grand finale to an amazing journey.

And in November rolled into December, I was well on my way to achieving my dream.

But at the same time I had a dream. In this dream, I would be able to run a blog to write my book, traveling to meet the region to meet new people and party like a carefree backpacker one last time.

But unfortunately came true, none of these dreams. Reality was in the way.

I can not say I'm always the most productive person. Despite doing this for years, I still balanced work and travel problems. I throw lately, much better get on time management, but in more balls to juggle for me, and I just can not do it. (Shhh! Do not tell Problogger Darren Rowse, as I was just presented in his new book productivity!)

And this time there are too many balls were to juggle to keep for me.

I had planned to spend the last two months of my trip in northern Thailand heading, then Cambodia, back in Bangkok, and up in Laos before my flight home.

[1945001Stattdessen], I have only so far Sihanouk, Cambodia - my third station in the country. I have a whole month here now already from today.

I think I was just naive. I thought I could do anything. I underestimated how much work taking a book. It is one thing to write a few blog posts. It is another to put together a print quality reference for world travel. When my friend and mentor Jason Cochran said I needed to lock and to write the book only in one room.

And he was right.

to try the stress and anxiety caused to manage everything to me to get significant insomnia. I was up late - too tired to work, but also awake to sleep. Thus, the book developed more slowly than I would have liked, and there was just no way I could fit everything. I could barely keep pace with the book and the small amount of work that I did! Spending three days would only happen in the jungle, not.

jungles in Thailand Khao Yai

Now there is left only three weeks before I go home. I will not be heading to Laos, I did not get to the northern part of Cambodia, and Malaysia never happened.

Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself. The book was a lot of work. I really underestimated how much work it would be. I'm not sure that anything that would have allowed me to juggle all the balls I wanted.

I look back at the last few months and wonder if I just squandered. What if I'd tried harder? What if I would work better? What if I had anyway supplied by insomnia and written with energy? I am full of what-ifs.

I want to say at least that I tried. But I do not think I have. I moped. I eased. I got stuck in Sihanouk, and as the days ticked closer to the end, I lost my desire to be productive and leave. "Now there is even less time for Laos. Might as well stay another day and work." It was a vicious circle.

last night, but I had an epiphany of nature. I came to a kind of peace with everything. As I sat at the bar to my friend talking to backpackers in front of me watching celebrate, I realized as I was ready for the next step of my life. And when I realized that it reinvigorated me. I am ready to increase my butt and run to the finish line.

sunset in Sihanoukville, Cambodia

I'm going to spend the next few days on the islands off the coast of Cambodia, visit Siem Reap new photo Angkor Wat, and then with the rest of my time, I am away to Macau and Hong Kong. After the timer is buzzing, and it's back to Bangkok and in the United States.

I've missed a lot. I've wasted too much time already.

But there is no reason to waste.

I'll finish this off with a bang, not a whimper.

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