
From Americans, Canadians and flags

From Americans, Canadians and flags -

canadian flag
Last week I had to (unfortunately) early wake Pig reservations in Amsterdam my bed for the night in the Flying. There I saw a Canadian girl from the hostel to check. The girl had not one, but TWO Canadian flags on their backpack. As the summer begins backpacking season in Europe, I see a lot more Canadians and Americans drive ... and thus bear the Canadians their flag. And the Americans to do so to be Canadian.

Well, I do not begrudge Canadians everywhere for the implementation of their flag. If Canadians want to show their patriotism, let them. Everyone should be proud of where they are - good or bad, your home is your home. Besides, I do not think it is patriotism that Canadians that prompts to set the flag everywhere. They say it is patriotism, but I do not buy this argument completely. Everyone is proud of where they are from, but have you ever seen another nationality carry their flag in such large numbers as Canadians? No, not her. I really think it's a secret desire to say ". I DO NOT AMERICAN AM " according to the World

I have long enough to know in hostels around, that someone will be with a North American accent believed Americans. And so Canadians over the decades has got a little upset about this, and decided that, if they have their flag everywhere, no one will make that assumption. I think it's a bit silly (New Zealanders are always wrong for the Australians, but they do not carry the flag everywhere!) But its own to each. It is now a tradition. It is exactly what Canadians do.

While I find it amusing that Canadians love to wear their flag, what I Issue with Americans ... especially the Americans who say they are Canadians. While poker in casino playing later on the same evening in Amsterdam, I was surrounded by two Americans, a few Dutch, and some Iranians. The New Yorker on my left and I got to talking, and he mentioned that he never told people he's American. He always says he's Canadian. The world seems to hate Americans, and he has always been afraid he would be on the wrong end of some American bashing or kidnapping. Or perhaps a decapitation. He was not sure what would happen, but he insisted that "the world hates America."

This is one of the most pernicious misunderstandings in America, and it really grinds my gears. As a world traveler for the past 4 years, I can tell you that the world not hate Americans. It is not anti-Americanism, but anti-American governmentism (read: anti-George Bushism) that exists in the world. And now that we have Obama, most has gone away. Sure, some people might hate Americans and America, but 99.99999% of the people I've met, and this issue will not be discussed with. Even if they say they start doing that, when pressed, admit they usually that it is the government that they do not like. - Do not people

Iranians turning, I asked her where they were. Without hesitation, she said Iran. With Iran in the news lately for its nuclear program and the memory of the election crackdown last year, Iran has not a very popular image in the world. I asked the Iranians when, although most of the world has to say bad things about Iran, they would ever say that they were from somewhere else. Again, without hesitation, she did not say. And why should they? Your government can not be great, but that does not mean the country and the people are not. Iranians love their culture and their history and would never hide from their identity, may be their present situation no matter how bad.

The American travelers could I am ashamed of our government be hit, but many seem to be ashamed only "American to be." on the street, you are a barrage of questions about the policies of the government and are expected to repent for their sins. It is annoying. I have answered, "Why did you choose Bush?" Question more times than I can count. But I never told someone I was Canadian. I would never. Imperfect as America, it is still to be a great place, and it is still my home. I am an American. Even if I spend my life in France, I will always have my American roots with me.

When I meet American travelers who say that they tell people they are Canadian, it boils my blood like no tomorrow. I usually say something to them at the end. If you so ashamed to be American and would rather pretend to be Canadian, to move to Canada. By lying, you perpetuate the myth that the world hates America and that we should all have fear.

More importantly, as an American traveler, you have a chance to dispel the myths about America. I do not like the Iranian government. I think they do terrible things. But I have met many Iranians over the years, and I think they are great. And every trip report I have heard from Iran always talks about the immense hospitality of the people there. The Iranian people dispel the myth that "Iran is bad." Overseas Your interactions can help dispel the myths about America. It's your chance to show people we are not denominated, hateful, crazy guns exercising, are obese idiot the world thinks we are.

Telling You people are Canadian destroyed that chance. But more importantly, it creates the image that America is a place to be ashamed of and that we do so rather than to be Canadians as proud of us at home. It's a cop out, plain and simple. If too embarrassed you are to say where you are, then maybe you should not live there.

One of the ways to travel the world changes through the removal of barriers is. But anyone tell you're a Canadian, if you. Not only reinforced negative stereotypes and myths If you want to avoid politics, you avoid it. Changing the subject. But do not lie about who you are. This is your chance to educate, and connect. not ruined it for the American media myth of a hated world

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