
Visiting Pompeii

Visiting Pompeii -

The statue of the faun in Pompeii When I grew up, I wanted to be an archaeologist. I loved the story, and the thought of temples and tombs in the jungles excited me uncover. I've read books on Greek and Roman history and have conversations with my history teacher, even as young as 13. In short, I was a big geek from the get-go. As such a big history geek, visiting Pompeii, destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD the city, has always been to do at the top of my list of things. The falling ash came so quickly it obtained the city as it was. It is frozen in time, a place.

This year I've got to finally see. I have seen the world and traveled many wonderful ruins, but this is one of the best. The buildings, the frescoes, the streets, the pots, the bodies-everything so well preserved. And even if a lack of maintenance has taken its toll on the website, I still found it a fascinating place to spend the day. My only hope is that the Italian government to get their act together to prevent these side fall further into disrepair.

Located near Naples, Italy, Pompeii takes to see a full day. If you really want to indulge your inner Indiana Jones and visit here every building, plan an extra half day. I saw a lot on my whole day here, but there was more that I missed. With that in mind, what to see, especially if you can not come back a second day? Here are some highlights of Pompeii:

A painting of the brothel at Pompeii
The brothel is a small house with stone beds and scenes of action clients could pay. It is old porn and is one of the most visited houses in all Pompeii. (Probably even then!)

The Forum Bad
Dark photo of the main baths near the forum at Pompeii
Near the Forum, these baths are incredibly well preserved, and you can even within the Peek wall to see how they heated the baths.

Villa dei Misteri
The interior of the Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii
located outside the main area, I liked this place because the frescoes were remarkably well preserved and so had great color. Since it is a bit of walking, there was not that here either many people.

The Forum
Tourists walking around the grounds of the Pompeii forum
The crowded place in Pompeii, the Forum right next to the main entrance. It was the center of life in Pompeii and were you can see the relics they go found.

The Stabian baths
The ancient art on the walls of the Stabian Baths in Pompeii
Another well-preserved bath, which is one of the oldest in Pompeii, has a slightly larger chamber, and looks a whole lot less crowds. You can see some preserved body here.

House of Little Fountain
Fresco painting on the wall of the House of the Small Fountain
A beautiful house with a large back room, frescoes and a beautiful mosaic fountain. You can even see, even used pitched roofs to collect rainwater.

House of the Faun
The House of the Faun Courtyard with bushes and grass
This is the largest house in Pompeii and takes its name from the statue in the forecourt. There is a large courtyard in the back, where you can find a very detailed mosaic of a battle scene.

Garden of the Fugitives
The statue bodies in the Garden of the Fugitives
in the back of Pompeii, has this old vineyard obtain casts of people who do not make living out of town. There is also a fantastic garden here.

House of Venus in the Shell
The painting of Venus in the Shell at Pompeii
Another place is far away from the crowds, this home has a colorful frescoes the goddess Venus. There are also a couple of gardens here and a detailed statue of Mars.

The amphitheater
The amphitheater as seen from above in the Spring
This huge amphitheater is where they kept the old games they entertain. It is a quiet place to walk around and its position at the end of Pompeii given, you will see very few people there, especially in the early morning or late afternoon hours.

Large Palestra [1945005DirektnebendemAmphitheater]
The columns of the Pompeii Palace
, the "Great Palace" was an exercise park and space for youth groups. It is also a great place to escape the crowds.

House of Sallustio
The House of Sallustio at Pompeii
One of the oldest houses in Pompeii, which was probably an inn. There is a small garden at the back, a fresco of Diana, and even a little grocery store in the front.

There are hundreds of buildings in Pompeii to see and walk through. Only the selected data will take much of your time. These are just my favorite sites-both popular and less popular, but all beautiful.

Pompeii Visiting tips

  • Pay attention to closures. Not all attractions are open, as they say they are. I found a number of places that you should be able to get into the closed. They started even closure while I looked around.
  • Start in the back . To avoid the crowds move from the Temple furthest forward. The majority of people hold on to the center of Pompeii, and you can visit the main portion when the crowds have gone in the late afternoon.
  • you do the audio guide . I bought the audio tour for 10 euros and found it a waste of time to be. The free book they will contain enough information. The audio guide is not much more explained.
  • For a limited time? Run a guide . I heard a number of guides, while I was walking around and I was impressed with their knowledge. I also want to be able to ask questions that can explain more things. The guides take just the highlights, unless you do a personal tour.
  • Bring plenty of water . In summer it is scorching hot. Bring plenty of water and avoid some sunscreen to be burned.

In the time that I was there, I barely scratched the surface of Pompeii, and I filled a whole day! One day I would love to go back and visit all the buildings I missed. But then again, I'm a history geek and could spend days on days under rubble. If you do not live and breathe, be like me, one day enough to see the highlights of history. Make sure that you move away from the city center, some of the lesser known and less crowded sites to see. Walking among the ruins is an eerie but beautiful feeling.

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