
Interesting facts about Sweden

Interesting facts about Sweden -

statue in stockholm sweden As you know from my last post, I mean last major round start the trip around the world, and I'm starting to Scandinavia, I find out, could as well get the most expensive countries out of the way with the first. I am currently in Stockholm, one of my favorite cities in the world, despite the fact that it abused my wallet. (I will be to Norway next, and the country is still more expensive. Luckily, I have family there I can mooch off ... I mean visit.) When the winters were not so hard, I would seriously consider moving here

As I did with Canada and Australia, today's post is an introduction to Sweden over some big quiz I found .:

Sweden remained neutral throughout the First world war I and world war II.

Sweden has the largest number of McDonald 's per person from any country in Europe.

There are 10 nuclear reactors in Sweden.

ABBA from Sweden.

is therefore Eagle-Eye Cherry.

and Ace of Base.

And Alexander Skarsgard, the type of True Blood .

Pippi Longstocking is also Swedish.

The Kingdom of Sweden used Norway and Denmark belong.

IKEA and H & M are both Swedish.

The population of Sweden is 9.2 million, which only a little more than the population of New York City.

22% of the population lives in the capital Stockholm.

Sweden have the longest life expectancy in Europe.

Sweden has the largest shopping center in Europe north of the city is located in Gothenburg.

statue in stockholm sweden By land area, Sweden is the third largest European country after France and Spain.

in the ninth century, the Rurik Rus, a Scandinavian Viking, founded the first empire in Russia. All subsequent tsars of Russia were thus Swedish descent.

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy.

At the height of his empire, Sweden built a large warship (the Vasa) to symbolize his strength. It was so large and heavy that on its maiden voyage in 1628, it dropped less than a mile from the dock.

While prostitution is legal, it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute.

Contrary to popular belief, Swedish Vikings did not have horns on their helmets.

to celebrate the beginning of summer, Swedes celebrate midsummer by dancing around a pole and another jump like frogs.

the sun rises at 3:30 am in the summer.

, the sun rises at 3:30 am in the winter.

on Easter, children dress up as witches and go trick-or treating.

The first ice hotel in the world was built near the village of Jukkasjarvi, Sweden.

Sweden has a long and interesting history, and its beautiful architecture, friendly people and breathtaking scenery make it one of my favorite countries in the world and one I will never tire of returning to.

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