
Breaking the Mold married

Breaking the Mold married -

Ayngelina from Baconismagic is flexing in from of a funny street sign This is a guest post by Ayngelina Bacon is magic. It is as a solo women writing a series of articles in your thirties while traveling.

I had a textbook childhood. I went to college, graduated with a degree, worked hard, and finally landed a good job as an account director at an advertising agency. It was well paid, I wore jeans to work, practiced yoga at lunch and went for pints with colleagues after hours.

But I was not happy. The problem was I was not unhappy not.

I was plugging away, do my job, without any real heights or any real lows either. I worked, had dinner with friends, and went out on the weekends. I had to go on holiday and enough money to do what I wanted.

That was what life should be about, right? Work hard to count all the work and money, the trendiest clothes and best restaurants to afford? I chased after in my twenties, but once I hit my thirties, I realized that none of this made me happy.

I had always wanted for a short holiday more than just traveling. On vacation to Europe and Southeast Asia, I met people who gave up her career to travel long. I was jealous. I wish I could do that.

After ten years of work, this dream was tucked away in the cabinet tidy things I wanted to do but was afraid. I had many excuses: I did not earn enough money, I did not have enough to retire, I was not where I wanted to be in my career. None of which were true, but they helped me to justify not travel. But I promised myself I would one day .

But we all know, never happened one day. We tell ourselves we will go after the dream in our heads ... but only if all the stars align, it's a full moon, and we get a perfect score Yahtzee. In reality, a day seldom comes, and we withdraw it just us dream.

What pushed over the edge finally turned 32 and sensor ticking my biological clock. I did not know if I really wanted to have children, but I knew if I did, I had to travel now. I believed that if you have children, your life changed too much to travel. My friends with kids will never drawn to Colombia and Mongolia into consideration, they just wanted a decent night's sleep and a sale on diapers. If I wanted to have children, I wanted one last taste of glorious independence.

When I fantasized one last great adventure about this, I thought it would be with someone else. I tried to beg, cajole, bully my boyfriend at the time in coming, but it was not his dream, and I was too afraid to go alone.

Girl (Ayngelina) in Rome in from of the Colosseum at night with the light shining brightly

I had traveled alone once a week vacation my way alone to eat Rome. But that was easy. A week in Italy is quite different than anything to sell, you quit your job, and take a one-way flight to Mexico. This time I would my comfortable life to give up, and that was a scary thought

But a lazy Sunday afternoon when I sleep with the friend saw a movie on the couch, I looked around and thought .:

is that all? Is this my life? Is my dream to travel to?

I was turning on this route for the friend / Flat in man / house / kids, and I was suddenly clear, because that is not ready. There was no convincing him, though, I would go alone.

One day had turned now.

I have from the couch, went to my laptop and started out my finances. That was the beginning of the end of my old life. I was so scared to go, but more fear, regret not going to face. I'm a promise me, and I was too stubborn to break them.

Somehow think that children were the end of independent travel me the push travel to were finally going. I started slowly, all parts of my life Sale of furniture, to clothes, to my beloved book collection.

I a brave face when I told friends and family, I would, but inside I was scared. What I would do, but for a year? Would I be lonely all the time? I would be afraid to travel to a country where I did not know the language?

After. Away parties, goodbye lunch and farewell dinner, my friend drove me to the airport We broke out of the airport security. When I hugged him one last, I clung to him. He represents all the safety and security in my life. I had a hard time to break the embrace. I was so scared of the next step.

female traveler staring at the mountain in the distance

But he was stronger and let me go. We said goodbye, and when I went to security, I saw all the time, glassy eyes back and watching him, watching me go. I finally turned and walked through the security doors. And as I passed through the metal detector, all my anxiety disappeared doubt. It was to know with this strong sense of replacing, I had done the right thing.

Now, a year later, I look back with certainty that it was the right thing. I have no plans to return to my old life. I have no idea what the future holds in the street, but I have never been happier.

Ayngelina left a great job, friend, friends, and home to find inspiration in Latin America. You can read about their adventures at Speck Magic is

Conquering mountains (that's it!). The Guide for Solo Female Travel

conquering mountains: solo female travel by kristin addis For a complete A to Z guide on solo female travel out Kristin new book Conquering mountains . In addition to the discussion of many practical tips in preparing and planning your trip is aimed the book, the fears, security and emotional concerns about traveling, women alone. It has more than twenty interviews with other female travel writers and travelers. Click here to learn more about the book, as it can help you, and you can start to read it now!

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