
Tips Security from a single rice

Tips Security from a single rice -

Ayngelina Bacon is Magic standing in from of a mountain in Peru This is a guest post by Ayngelina Bacon is magic. It is a series of articles written in your thirties as a solo women traveling.

In the past 14 months I traveled solo from Mexico to Argentina. What surprised me most reactions in Latin America alone are a human female; they often ask what special precautions I take. My first reaction is that I have not. But then I realize that are and feel like common sense after almost two decades of traveling, some things second nature.

The Basics
scan your driver's license, passport and health card and emailed to yourself and a friend or family member. If you lose your passport, it makes a new business much easier.

Tell always someone where you are going, when you arrive, and where you are. When you arrive to confirm these details. If something should happen, at least one person knows where you are.

Trust your instincts
. If someone approaches and you feel uncomfortable, do not worry about rude. There are many times I have ignored men who tackled in a way that does not feel right. I keep walking and ignore them. Sometimes I can be wrong, but it's not a chance I'm willing to take.

Smile . If you, other people seem to be friendly, you will reach out to help you. A simple smile saved me actually robbed by one. I have a pregnant woman my place in a bus, while two other people tried to convince me I should get out early from the bus. The woman heard the conversation and gave me a look that said I knew that something was wrong. They got out, and she told me that I had not wanted to get off and the right way.

Two kids walking in front of the colorful transportation buses in South America
Public city transport is ripe for pickpockets. Never carry anything in your back pocket, and always be aware of your surroundings. It's not just young men who pickpocket, either. Sometimes it is a group of women who are friendly encounter in you or cram them around on a bus.

On longer trips, if you sit next to a woman in a bus or train, it would prefer, just ask. In some cases, employees have passenger information and look forward to help you.

on buses to other cities, I stand on the bus driver and tell him where I'm going. It seems a bit silly, but many of the bus driver calling my name when we reach my goal, and some pull my backpack off first and put them alongside so no one else packing it.

Finally, figure out how much a taxi from the bus station. I always learn this from a hostel. To check, I ask the security guard at the bus stop, where you find the best taxis, so if I go outside, I'm confident where we are going and to ask the price. look

Go Round
My goal is not to mix the local (there are too many subtleties that I can not learn), but I try to be as if I live there and know what I'm doing. My greatest hope is that thieves think I'm an expat and moving their attention to someone who looks easier to rob.

I have a very tattered bag that goes over my shoulder. On travel days, it bears my netbook, DSLR and iPod, but you would never think electronics in it, because there are no specific brand names on them or fancy upholstery. It is a bag that was torn and patched many times and never signaled "expensive things are inside."

Never carry your iPod while running around. Not only does it you realize less your environment, but it makes you a target for thieves who either case you pick or just confront you with a gun.

Carry small change in a pocket and larger bills in your bra (or underwear, men). Never flash large bills to third parties.

If you need to look your card, never do it in a street. Pop in a shop or restaurant anywhere but on the corner.

Colorful hostel door in South America
When I come into a hostel, I try as friendly as I can be at your desk. After I put my bags in, I ask at reception if they have a card and can point out the bad areas of the city. I also ask if there are common scams that I should know. I am shocked at how many people come in Buenos Aires without telling their hostel or hotel they know about the many common scams all locals.

Wear whatever you are staying the business from where. Hostels and hotels have such a generic name, it is easy to forget and get lost, especially if you are drinking out

A final word .:
If you go alone and you get into a situation where people want something that you have only to give it to them. There are some very poor people in the world who do bad things, and unfortunately stolen one of them. It does not mean that they go the extra step and do you harm.

It's why we insurance. You can get another iPod or laptop or backpack. Use accept any bad situation and return it worse by fighting.

My goal is to become aware that we are not afraid. I take steps to minimize the risk, but sometimes it's all about luck.

Ayngelina left a great job, friend, friends, and home to find inspiration in Latin America. You can read about their adventures at Speck Magic is

Conquering mountains (that's it!). The Guide for Solo Female Travel

conquering mountains: solo female travel by kristin addis For a complete A to Z guide on solo female travel out Kristin new book Conquering mountains . In addition to the discussion of many practical tips in preparing and planning your trip is aimed the book, the fears, security and emotional concerns about traveling, women alone. It has more than twenty interviews with other female travel writers and travelers. Click here to learn more about the book, as it can help you, and you can start to read it now!

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