
How to overcome your fears

How to overcome your fears -

bunging jumping off the cliff anxiety. It's what keeps us from living our lives and achieve our dreams. And it is the most common reason why people do not travel.

Every time I talk to people on long-term trip, they tell me they wish they could do what I do. Tell me all your travel dreams they will come up with common excuses why they can not see:

They fear not to be able to afford the trip
They fear they have to a lot of responsibility. at home.
they fear they are on the road can not be friends.
they fear that lack the ability to handle them.

With all the fear, it is much easier to stay at home in our comfort zones to break as and travel. So most people just stay at home, restrained by their own fears, they want to travel, but never do. get

One of the most common emails I ask if someone should travel the world. Did they finish their work and go for it? Are they in the right stage of life? Will everything be alright when they leave? Will they get a job when they return? These e-mails are full of nervous excitement about travel possibilities are endless, but there are also always an undertone to the emails: "Matt, I want to go, but I'm afraid and I'm not sure what to do. is "

everything Dropping traveling the world needs a lot of courage. While many people for not traveling "real world responsibility" are claiming the reason, I think, fear of the unknown is really what keeps people again. It is easier to live the life that is familiar and keep our routines as to venture into the unknown. There is a reason why people always with the devil they know to go. But these fears are looking for logic, they have no substance:

They are not the first person to travel abroad
One of the things that comforted me when I started traveling , was to know that many other people traveling the world in front of me and very well finished. If some 18-year-old came from England to a break in a piece home, there was no reason why I do not want too. They are not to be the first one at home and explore the jungles of Asia. Columbus had a reason to be afraid. You do not have to.

it that made far.
If you already have one foot out the door, why now turn back? What you will regret more later in life - that you can your fears keep you home, or that you went traveling? Sometimes you just go for it. Everything works out in the end. Do not turn back halfway.

They are different as all equally capable.
I am smart, I am capable of and I have common sense. If other people the world can travel, why can not I? What makes you think that I lack the skills? I realized that there was no reason I could not do it. I'm just as good as any other. Do not doubt yourself. You get through in your life right now very well. Similarly, when you are traveling. Trust yourself.

responsibilities are incorrect crutch.
Everyone uses "responsibility" to avoid the main reason travel. But this is only your fear, you say that you have things at home that can not let go. However, these tasks are simple chains that keep you down. When I quit my job, I no longer had to work. When I canceled my bills, they disappeared. When I sold my car, the payments were gone. When I sold my things, I do not have anything. We think that this is all very complicated, but kept with a few phone calls, everything I was gone; worried. Suddenly my responsibility disappeared. The evaporated. It is easier to cut the cable than you think.

you will find a job.
Another reason to get restrained people, is the belief that when they go abroad, they will be unemployable. They worry that employers see a gap in their resume and do not want to hire them. But in this globalized world, the experience with other cultures and people is a real asset. So will show that you are independent, courageous, and able. After all, it makes no one in the world without these skills to learn. Employers recognize this, and now look at travel as a positive thing that ever could intangible personal skills does not teach business school.

you are friends.
People always ask me how I make friends on the street. They tell me that they are not very social and that it is hard to meet strangers for them. The truth is that if you are driving, you are never alone. There are many single travelers there in the same boat as you. You will find people who will come and talk to you, even if you are too scared to go. I used to be nervous to talk to strangers, but the fear subsides as you eventually realize that everyone wants to make new friends. And one of those friends you are.

You can always come back.
If you have three months after the start of your trip and decide that the long-term travel is not for you, it's perfectly okay to go home. There is no shame your trip cut short. Perhaps traveling is not for you, but you would have never known if you do not try. There is no such thing as failure in the world of travel. Getting up and walking to do more than most people, and if there is. Not for you, at least you tried it This is a great achievement in itself.

Fear is an element which affects everything we do. Yes, fear is a healthy biological response designed to ensure that we are stupid things do not. But in many ways, fear is the reason why we never succeed. It is scary, everything you know and leave out in the unknown position. However, if you look at why you are afraid to do it, you will notice there is no reason to be. They can Travel. They are capable. It's not as hard as you think.

will not let you win anxiety.

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