
Love, fear, and a chance of drowning with Torre DeRoche

Love, fear, and a chance of drowning with Torre DeRoche -

torre deroche Have you ever read Eat, Pray, Love ? Do you like that? I did not - and when I saw the movie on a flight, I wanted to throw a shoe at the screen. I'm not really a "chick flick" movie guy (exceptions: Love Actually and The Notebook , two big movies). But then my friend Torre DeRoche published their love story, Love with a chance of drowning , about the encounter with the man of her dreams and sailing across the Pacific, despite an intense fear of the sea.

, to my surprise, I really enjoyed the book. It was less than a love story and more of an adventure story about your fears forever. I found to be the book descriptive, funny and inspiring. (It is also a much better writer than I am.) So today I have to learn with Torre practically sit, like a girl who had a fear of water ocean with a man she went to the bar met.

Tell us your story. How came on a boat a girl afraid of the water land?
had in my mid-twenties, my life has stagnated in Melbourne, so I quit my job and booked a one-way flight to San Francisco. Not long after I got there, I met a man in a bar that had a modest boat and set sail a ready-to-go plan. Since I have always been scared of the ocean, I had no interest in his adventures, but he was fun to be around, so I kept seeing him.

Over many months, he impressed me with pictures of the remote islands of the South Pacific, and I wondered how it would be achieved by the power of wind, such a paradise.

curiosity got the better of me, and I grew up with the challenge faced thrilled my fear. I was also in love. So I decided on board and island-hop across the Pacific to Australia on a leaky to jump 32-foot boat.

For that matter, how does an Australian girl not water like flying over an ocean in California to end
I was afraid of many things: the flight over from scratch, loneliness starts a job and a place to live, make friends, and always from what little savings I had. But I forged ahead, because I had always wanted to live in the US, and because I condemned the feeling that if I do not my fears face and go, I would be in a predictable, boring life.

They were not afraid to land on the "Lost" island?
If you is floating mid-Pacific in a boat that is smaller than a bedroom, you are much too prone to seek, Inform yourself worked up over fictional stories. It was creepy, real threats that I feared how rogue waves, white squalls or attack Orcas and sinking of the boat (yes, that really happened!).

When you have over your fear?
Having spent 26 days at sea sailing from America to the Marquesas, I felt pretty invincible. I was still nervous, deep water and long sea routes (see above for reasons why), but the throat crunching, phobic anxiety that I had felt at the beginning of the journey, had disappeared.

love with a chance of drowning with your book love with a chance of drowning as you have to be published by Self-publishing by a traditional publisher?
I funds for six months and interrogated by with no luck, I decided to self-publish. A few weeks after the start I got a Twitter message from a Hollywood producer, who on an excerpt from my book through a series of random clicks had randomly. He wanted to know if the film-option was available

One month after self-publishing, I received two offers :. One of the British publisher and one from the Hollywood producers. armed with two offers, I took it to sign about four days with a New York agent. From there went to the book auction, and we quickly sold on five publishers around the world. The film rights were optioned.

What life is like now as a big-time author?
I hand fed caviar and peeled grapes around the clock by a retinue of Herculean men in leather straps. No, that's a lie. Life as a published author is exactly the same, only with a vague understanding that a bunch of strangers are now reading my words.

I am asked to sign books, which strangely never ceases to be. In a book event, someone said to me: "Could you please write a small piece of wisdom in my book?" I wisdom on demand'm not very skilled, so that after a long, thoughtful pause, I wrote "Thank you for coming tonight," Whoa -.! Caution Dalai Lama

I always find it strange people also want my signature
, it really makes me wish I had an invented. Cooler signature.

What do you want to get people out of your book?
At its most basic level Love with a chance of drowning is a lighthearted, fast travel memoirs, which takes the reader through the Pacific Ocean on a series of remote islands aboard a leaky boat , It is a love story set on a sailboat, but it's not just for armchair travelers, sailors and romantics.

in his heart, there is a book on the go against fear and great risks. If you have the courage outside your comfort zone with an open mind and an open heart to the step, the world and its possibilities infinitely greater. Large risks achieved great effect.

It can force you to make your own life choices in question, it can give you the inspiration you need to get started on your own scary adventure, or it may simply take you through to a hair-raising boat ride the South Pacific with a frightened woman and her clumsy-but-lovable Argentine friend.

there is a movie in your future?
Somewhere in Hollywood, love with a chance of drowning in a script is now adapted. If all goes to plan, it will be a film in fact. Watch this space.

What were some of your top three moments sailing the Pacific?

  1. olfactory country for the first time after 26 days at sea.
  2. Meeting a beautiful 60-year-old woman who had been sailing 40 years, and to learn that they had a fear of deep water. She taught me that adventurers are not always fearless, which inspired the name of my blog Fearful Adventurer. to be received
  3. with huge bear hugs from islanders in cities accessible only by boat. We were a family like.

taken I've always wanted to sail around the Pacific. How you do that? What if I do not want to buy a boat? Any advice
There are a few ways to see the Pacific without having to buy your own boat:

  • The Aranui - This is a cargo ship, the Food and goods to different supplies? remote islands around French Polynesia. It also takes passengers on its way through the Marquesas, the Tuamotus and Society Islands. The ship will not remain in the port, but you will get to see many secluded islands that can be reached only by boat
  • crew on another boat -. Many sailors on crew take to help the sailing and tasks. Many of them want people with previous experience, but if you are a particularly attractive backpacker with the right attitude, you can hitchhiking a ride across the Pacific on everything from a structurally questionable wooden boat at a Fortune 500 CEO megayacht. You can with a lovable Captain, or a complete freak at the end - but that's all part of the adventure, right
  • a boat from Fiji Charter, Tonga or Tahiti - There are a number of companies that offer charter boats. You can have a skipper and crew for rent, or you can bareboat. From Tahiti, you can a few days sailing north-east of the Tuamotus reach. There you will find some of the most beautiful - and treacherous! - Atolls in the world

What would a person say, who wants to try something new, but the fear is
I believe that if you the nagging urge .? to try something new and find yourself hesitating because of fear, the only sensible way to go with him to follow through. When you do this, opportunities will open up, and you will be an incredible sense of empowerment from break to get noticed your own limits. If you do not follow through, the opposite will happen. Your world is getting smaller. They will lose faith in yourself. A little piece of you dies, and repentance grows in its place.

And really, that's not a hell of a lot more fear than what it is that is holding you back?

What next for you as?
I have not yet figured out! I'm so focused to get to the attempt by this wild adventure of writing and publishing a book, which I have not had a chance to plan my next steps.

Insofar writing goes, I'd love fiction next try.

. For more Torre, visit her website, Fearful adventurer, and you can her book on Amazon or your local book store (I recommend it!) To get There is also their witty tweets on Twitter.

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