
Success Stories: How Dan readjusted Life Back Home

Success Stories: How Dan readjusted Life Back Home -

dan slater blogger success story Two months ago, Erin tells us how she, after he readjusted live two years traveling the world itself. This month our readers have more history series, Dan shares his story of how he adjusts to life to spend a lot of time back home on the street. What story Dan is a little makes it different is that it does not permanently returns - he comes home, works, and travels go more

Dan, tell all about themselves [1945008I] am English, and my first trip a month between railings in Europe in 1991. I was 18 was in 1998 until my trip to India hooked it does not really go that well and I do not. It was something to immerse in the culture of a developing country that fascinates me really (that and the fact that I could survive on GBP 5 per day)! That's where my low-budget ethos was born and from then on I was a bona fide traveler. Now I move country every few years with long overland trips, work in between. I currently live in Sydney, Australia, with my like-minded women.

What inspires your travels?
We were recently in Southeast Asia go. This particular leg was chosen because it was between Cape Town, where we had lived, and Sydney, our current location. After our last trip through the heart of Africa, we needed a pleasant and relaxing trip and we knew that the region would be given a lot more "fun" that a backpacker mecca.

where did you go on your trip?
we started in Bangkok and did the north a clockwise loop through Laos, Vietnam and back through Cambodia to Bangkok, then we headed south to the Malay Peninsula, in Indonesia and along the chain of Indonesian islands to Bali before flying back to Sydney. This lasted for five months. We would have liked to continue east to East Timor or Papua New Guinea, but we ran out of money.

lonely planet guidebook

Were there any scary parts of your trip?
were probably the scariest part of this journey the drunken escapades of hikers in Vang Vieng (Laos) and Ko Phangan (Thailand), some of whom died during the respective tubes and Full Moon Parties or disappeared, while we were there , In terms of traditional scaremongering Third World, but all the people were wonderful and we had no problems at all. After living for three years in Africa on a knife edge, Southeast Asia was a doddle.

Have a plan when you came back from the first trip? If so, what was it?
The first time I went away was only a month in Europe, so it do not have much influence on my life at home, so probably not a very interesting answer. My second trip was more major: one year in Australia when I graduated from university. Before I left, I booked a place in a post-grad course intend to earn the fees during my year off. I toiled in a supermarket for six months to earn enough to support me for the next year, but then I went to go and blew most of it. D'oh!

Unless practical plans went, I was just to stay on a mate ground to walk until I found a room in a shared house, and from there look for a part-time job. Everything went as planned. It's never taken me long to find a job. Despite the unemployment figures, if you really want a job, you will find. My theory is that the kind of person who is willing to drop everything and travel long have the same mentality and rarely have difficulty finding a job.

lonely planet guidebook

What was to come the most difficult part home?
to back for us to cook! No, we (my wife and I) move countries quite as we need to organize somewhere to live, some work, gathering our earthly goods from the port, and their storage.

I am a very practical person, so I do not allow intervention feelings with my rehabilitation into society. When the trip is over, it's over, and it's time to go to work. Sure, I miss the road, but I know I'll be back, and also I like living in the city, so there is plenty to look forward to home. On my first trip I met a beautiful young lady that I long traveled almost two months, and I missed her enormously when I went. ( Matt. Note: Check this article about love on the street) to be

To be honest, after she returned from that first trip to Australia, I went through a period of mourning. Your letters, combined with my fabulous memories and new unglamorous existence student has me for a while. Down, but I pulled myself together soon In all the travel, as I have done, I have learned to cope better emotionally. Practice makes perfect, right?

Do you find it difficult to "normal life" after so long on the road?
I am to adjust fairly prudent for me before do not find it difficult, and I have done it several times. In fact, I love it, back to the city and catching up on the food, movies and music, which I missed. His means for so long that you miss all the seasons, Meme and explosions in popular culture. A news event or trend that then flared up and died later called an Jahren You can perplex blank until you work that it happened during the year in South America must be. Imagine if you had missed Gangnam Style, and saw it then on a review of 2012 five years later. You would be flabbergasted.

lonely planet guidebook

Found, saw employers as negative on your travels, or it helps in a job?
In my area, it was definitely a positive. Travel businesses need employees with experience of the world, which may relate (and impress) their customers, and they will understand if you express your desire to travel further. I work at an independent shop called Trek & Travel in Sydney, Australia, where we sell hiking and travel clothing and equipment. I am currently the assistant manager. In Cape Town, I worked for an outdoor clothing manufacturer named Cape Storm, who had a chain of stores. While working in the retail sector, is never something to which I aspired, my understanding boss let me take months to feed at a time away from my travel habit, and is surrounded by the paraphernalia of travel and like-minded people keeps every day excitement of the world Simmering. If it is too boring I'll just stop, go on trips, and find another job on my return. Although I must say, given this process a bit daunting as I get older.

lonely planet guidebook

What advice would you have for people coming home after a long trip?
not panic. Take things step by step. Find bring somewhere to crash, either with friends or family or in a cheap hostel. Next, grab the first available job. TU anything; not be picky. I usually start work within a week of arrival. Use the money for binding to a rental place, then look for a better job. Obviously, it is advisable to end your trip with some seed money, tempting as it may be, as far as possible that the last dollar to stretch. Take a few hundred dollars and do not touch it. After that you are running.


Dan History shows that while may be an adjustment to come home, learn to adjust quickly and by subsequent trips return becomes easier and easier. Thanks for doing the interview, Dan!

You can read more book published on his blog and in his self over Dan about Africa, read This is no holiday .

[1945015werden] to the next success story

One of my favorite parts about this job is to do people who travel stories. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world. I hope these stories that show that your trip to reach more than one way to travel, and that it is within your reach goals. Here is another example of someone who recreated life after their long journey:

  • As Erin to life readjusting back home

We all come from different places, but we all have one thing in common: want to travel, we all more

Make today the day to take a step closer to travel - whether it is buying a guide to create a hostel booking an itinerary, or go all. Fashion and a ticket to buy.

Remember, tomorrow may never come, so do not wait.

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