
My Love Note on the Irish

My Love Note on the Irish -

a castle in ireland near galway A few years ago I had a 24-hour stay in Dublin. I crammed in as much sightseeing as I could, and although I saw the sights, I never get to know the city. I vowed to come back

The Emerald Isle has always held a certain appeal. Guinness, friendly locals (never an Irish person I met not liked), Rolling green hills, leprechauns, pots of gold, lucky charm, hearty food and ancient castles.

Last month I went back for a trip to Ireland Conference. Unfortunately I did not get to stay as long as I wanted. My trip had to be cut short because of a commitment in the US, and many of the things that I tried were doing rainy (but what about Ireland without the rain?).

I think that long journey to Ireland just have to wait

Although I got to see much of the country, I got a lot of locals come to -. and I must say that while Ireland itself is nice, it's the Irish that Ireland is making the wonderful country you.

, the Irish are some of the friendliest, warmest and most outgoing people I have ever met. I have met before the Irish Traveller, and one of my friends is Irish (probably the only vegetarian, not drinking Irishman in the world!), But that's nothing to see compared to the Irish in their own country.

a castle in ireland near galway

First, there are the taxi drivers Dublin. When I arrived a few years ago in Dublin, the taxi driver was chatting my ear as we move into the city from the airport, drove to tell me everything, as was his daughter now 33 (in an Irish accent spoken, it sounds more like "tertee tree "), every neighborhood went through, we, and the Irish, the food that I needed to eat during my visit.

made his warm, friendly manner that the taxi is one of my favorites.

because of this experience I have taxis wherever I could during my recent visit. I generally avoid taxis (they are expensive compared to the local bus), but each taxi ride was a part of life in Ireland as learning. Each trip was a new chapter of a very long history. I had a driver making fun of me Americans for his ( "here's your change, dude"), they gave me the lowdown on Irish politics and an upcoming election, another talked about how Ireland has developed, since he was a child was, and others just talked my ear off about life in Dublin.

taxi drivers in Dublin are a league apart. I recommend taking at least a couple of taxis during your visit.

Next, there was my Airbnb Host in Galway (probably the best host I have ever had). He helped me get through a free tour, showed me some pubs and overall spectacular my time in the city made. He went out of their way to be myself justice during my stay.

the ocean near the west side of ireland in galway

At dinner one night in Galway, two Irish men sitting next to me and my friend, looked over, and after a simple "Where are you?", Talked our ears off all night, ask us even to make her picture to show their wives that they had a great time. We enjoyed wine and some laughs, not to mention a thick Irish accent, I could not always understand.

I loved the abundant kindness and hospitality I was shown repeatedly. Whether to ask questions on the street, in shops interactions, or banter in the bars, the Irish were always happy, helpful and full of energy. You have a contagious charisma that just makes you happy.

a castle in ireland near galway

From their appearance, their attitude and willingness to a pint and tell jokes to share with you, the Irish are incredibly hospitable hosts and left me a lasting impression ,

Ireland is a beautiful country, with green hills and castle ruins at every turn, but what is to Ireland are bringing people and the desire to learn more about their learning history and culture

Visit Ireland for beauty. stay for the people.

For more information on visiting Ireland, read my guide Ireland travel for practical information and advice.

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