
avoid 6 ways in a bath Hostel Stay

avoid 6 ways in a bath Hostel Stay -

tips for staying in a good hostel What makes a good hostel? How do you avoid the bad? in hundreds of hostels after their stay, since I started the world first trip, I have to be sent very quickly very to find out if the hostel owners know what they are doing or supervised only by chance one day and said: "Let us open hostel. It sounds like fun. "

While hostels all about the people, the management can do a few things to make their hostel a lot less crap and more awesome. Certain features make a hostel memorable (common rooms, group activities and kitchens), while others (pushbutton showers, general dirt and unknowledgeable staff).

all my favorite hostels share sucking common features make that make them some of the best in the world, which leads me to this week video.

In it I talk about the six most important things I look for when I'm picking to stay a hostel features that everyone should have good hostel.

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In addition, here are some minor things to look out for:

  • breakfast - looking for a place with a decent breakfast (ie more than bread and cheese) ends or at least one that begins and if people are actually awake (breakfast, which usually start at 08.30 am, go late). Breakfast is also a good way for the day to load snacks, cut your food budget
  • check out -. Never use a check-out time staying in a hostel before 10 am; have the best, you will not be until 11am or make late check-out. Sleep is valuable on the road, because you rarely get enough of it. Hostels with late check-out times understand
  • boxes -. It is surprising, but I've been in hostels really, do not provide the deposit or to charge for them. In this day and age should be standard lockers, and you should never pay for safety. This is a deal-breaker for me (especially since I with electronics Travel)
  • Kitchen -. Try to search for hostels with kitchens, as you can cook your own food, you reduce your food budget and a meal to share with your new friends. Nothing binds people together closer than a meal (and a few glasses of wine).

What hostels people are big makes. A top-rated hostel can be an unpleasant experience home if people are poor, while you may like to recall the dirtiest, grossest and most disgusting hostel in the world, if you enjoy good company while you want to stay there.

But have to remove people from the equation, I look for hostels that many of these characteristics I have mentioned. Great, memorable hostels to know what you want as a traveler and enhance your travel experience.

What do you look for in a good Hostel?

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