
Am I just a stranger in a foreign country now?

Am I just a stranger in a foreign country now? -

A stranger walking near a tree with an orange background We travel around the world foreign countries to seek, but sometimes after returning home, we find that at home is real foreign country. After three weeks, to be back in America, I feel like I'm a stranger in a foreign country. America has changed. There is something different about it this time around.

I've been in front at home. I spent the summer of 2010 in New York City, and I revolve at home every so often to visit my parents. I'm over the culture shock.

When I told the people in Asia I was at home on the road, they asked me if I had nervous or afraid about the possibility of setting. "No, I have before been at home," I said. "I'll be fine."

But then I came home and noticed that, while I had no "culture shock", was somewhat different. I had changed. America seemed to have changed. The pulse of the country, it was different.

There are more crap on TV. The country seems superficial. (Why is everything a show Real Housewives of ... ?)

food portions appear to be even greater than before.

children seem more cruel these days. People seem to each other not to be so polite or nice longer.

The nation is more widely shared. Each issue is blown part and is a test for the policy: right, left, Tea Party, etc.

All in all, for me, it's just feels different now [

Then again, maybe America has always been so, and I just never noticed. Perhaps I've always seen as much time traveling at home, spent new places and catch up with friends, I thought I never stopped and has a balance of the house for granted.

Or maybe what I finally noticed is that I changed. They say travel changes you - but I never noticed it. Since you are with yourself every day, you'll never really see changes in your personality. They are just a part of you and seem like second nature. It's not as if you take on a diet or drastic measures. Changes on the road are slow and happen over time, and you just feel as if you were always so.

I think to be back, has finally realize that I've changed.

and somehow I do not fit here anymore.

You know, when you feel that something is missing, but you just can not finger on it? That's the feeling I have now

There are something to be over in America. (And not just my parents' house in the suburbs, I have had this feeling, touching as in Las Vegas below) that makes me feel uneasy.

I feel less with the rest of the world. I feel like I live in a bubble. That all events that happen outside of America here not even register. It's like I can not get anywhere I, whenever I want. It's like I'm cut off from the world.

I spent the last months of my trip in Cambodia, while I was writing my book. But even there, in one place, I felt like I was connected the world. That at any given time, I could go anywhere or do anything. I do not think that here. I feel like the outside world away more than just a flight or bus ride. I get to break free of this invisible barrier that do not are abroad.

On the other hand, maybe I'm just full of shit. Part of me feels like I just "feel", so, because I want to feel this way. Perhaps by looking for a problem, I try subconsciously to justify a desire not to calm down and find an excuse. Maybe that's just my inner self-wringing about the realization that my backpacking, nomad days are over. Finally transitions hard.

I do not know. I just think out loud. Something is different this time. I can put my finger on it does not set or to know if it will last forever, but something has changed, and only time will tell whether this feeling permanently is only a temporary uneasiness about changing my life or something more.

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