
This is where the journey

This is where the journey - short

Man walking through a dark tunnel to get to the end They say everything comes in threes, and I think, had my journey three great moments.

The first, when I fell in love with travel. It was 04 and I was on my first trip abroad. I had originally intended to visit Australia, but somehow I ended up in Costa Rica on. I do not even remember how; it's been too long. But I remember clearly that somewhere to eat between the best bruschetta my life, crawling through the jungle, hanging with a troop of capuchin monkeys, and observed land crabs over the territory to fight, I was hooked. I had the travel bug. And as everyone quickly learns the bow, this disease has no cure. And every trip you take just makes it worse.

The second great moment in the following year occurred. After meeting with them a few backpackers on a trip to Thailand and talking, I knew the only way to treat my illness, had to travel more. A few days later on the Thai island of Koh Samui, I turned to my friend Scott and told him that when we got home from Thailand, I wanted to quit my job and traveling the world. Also, I was consumed by my desire to travel, to go to the life in the cabin. Thailand had sealed my fate - and I had never been so safe and excited about anything in my life, when I was at that moment

to my parents goodbye, I in July 06 for the left, which was supposed to be. one year traveling the world. A year has 18 months, which was 24, which soon 68. My trip took me to fascinating places. I have lived in several countries, to see incredible beauty, experienced many great adventures, and met some of my closest friends

But all things come to an end at some point, what brings me today - .. my third great moment

For you see, today is where my journey ends

It's been a long time coming. Last year, there are already in this blog a recurring theme: the creeping, fate of finality is imminent. I have to fight him. A part of me looks at the bar full of fresh eyes twenty something backpackers from - carefree dancing, socializing and drinking, with only a hangover to worry tomorrow - and think, "I wish I could be like that." I want to go chasing ghosts. "Maybe just a little longer," I tell myself. I hold to capture sand, hoping it will not seep through my hands, and I'll keep a little longer able to a. Just one more day as Peter Pan could not hurt

But as I got stuck in Sihanouk to write my book, realized my mind what my heart knew long ago. The end had come. My life and desires have changed. While these travelers in Sihanoukville wake to nothing but a beach day, I wake up to telephone conferences, blogs and work. After 68 months, I would like a kitchen, a fitness room and a set of life - no more movement

I, if it ever wondered was possible to travel too long .. Could traveling alone spend too much time? Could you live so long without roots, that it has become leaderless? I thought so then, and I still think so now.

alone travel does not mean that you're lonely. They learn that there is nothing wrong with eating dinner, watching a movie, or even for a drink nightlife.

But being alone is not going to drive me home. I'm just tired. Many of the people I know who travel, as I slow down after the third year yet. They remain in the cities more, they have a home base, or visiting places. Many keep a partner with them to help them anchored. But not me. I pushed past and went on, even though I knew it was not what I wanted to accomplish.

But the heart wants what it wants, and my heart does not want to be a nomad.

My days as "Nomadic Matt" are no more.

I do not know what the future holds. I do not even know if I'm completely ready for the next step of my life. Can I adjust? Months down the line, I'm just going to deal with my backpack and travel through Europe, unable to proceed is settled? Will all this be again as in 08, when I came home to, only later to abandon my journey to the end of a few months? I dont know.

I only know that at some point between that day in July 06, and now, I grew up. I tried to stop him, but it happened anyway. For a while now I've been trying to keep this lifestyle - but no more. I can not end this chapter linger. It's time to turn the page and see what happens next.

I still love to travel and have no plans to stop. It is too much a part of me, too much of who I am. And this blog will continue. I have to fill up today enough items this site for months, and there are still many trips in my future. So there will be many new stories, photos and tips.

But it's time for me to put down roots and have a home. It's time to be semi-nomadic. Instead of six months traveling throughout Europe, it might be two weeks in South Africa. The man without a home have finally one to return.

In a few hours I will my flight home to America on board and you begin to get ready to move to Sweden. It's a new day, and I do not know what it will bring.

But whatever the case, the future is filled as amazingly insecure and with promises now as it was that warm summer morning in 06

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