
New Beginnings

New Beginnings -
Sign saying this way with an arrow
"What do you want?" The lady asks me in her English accent.
"Iced green tea," I reply, unimpressed by her accent, she unimpressed by my.
We can be together foreigners, but nothing feels really strange about us.
I grab my drink and make his head out the door, my way back into the busy streets of London.
I'm a little lost, but not worried. I am, after all, in the land that invented my language.
I see a few street signs, ask some directions, and I'm on my way.
There is no real confusion. There is no point gets lost.
I make my way to the London Underground, where I sit still, looking at the stoic faces in front of me.
do not talk to the London Underground.
Today is my last day in London, and I speak in World Travel Mart Travel blogging.
Twenty-four hours from now, I'll touch down in Hong Kong.
, the familiar will be replaced by the unfamiliar.
after six months in Europe, I will go eventually.
There has been simply to be here. For course.
I move almost effortlessly between countries.
I know how to make myself understood, even for those who speak limited English.
I discuss the Greek bailout as they affect me directly.
I get Europe.
There is me.
I look at those faces on the tube again.
Soon they will be gone. Replaced by a culture that I do not know. A people I have never experienced.
Soon I'll be back walking unfamiliar streets, an unknown language to find out and negotiations in unfamiliar markets.
I will meander down dim streets lined with street vendors, as I take in the smell of new spices, soups and dishes.
me My stomach will pull in different directions.
I will ask if the taxi driver give me really a good price.
I will marvel at the unknown.
may be
Hong Kong no undiscovered spot.
It is can not even be half undetected.
The streets were thousands travelers before me.
, it has been written about the hundreds of writers better than me.
But it will be different is been traversed.
And there will be new.
And it is exactly what I need.

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