
Interesting facts about Poland

Interesting facts about Poland -

The Polish flag waving over Poland on a sunny day I am in my other homeland, Poland. While most of my family came from Ukraine, spread some of my family tree roots in Poland (as well as Germany). Right now, I visit Krakow to study its Jewish history, exploring salt mines and drinking Polish vodka before to Warsaw in the upward direction. In Poland there are not so much get attention as it deserves, so to spread the love, here are some interesting facts about this amazing country:

The most popular dog names in Poland "Burek", which means " brownish-gray color. "

Under the European Union, the people of Poland married the youngest.

Seventeen Nobel laureates, including four peace prize winners and five in the literature, was born in Poland.

astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, to theorize the first person that the Earth is not the center of the universe, was Polish.

St. John Eve (Kupala) is a public holiday, the Christianity earlier and has people jumping over fire.

Marzanna is the Slavic goddess of winter, death and nightmares. At the end of winter, Poland make straw dolls from her and decorate them with ribbons. When the snow begins to melt, they throw the doll into the river, symbolically "kill Winter" and thus to welcome spring.

From 14th to 16th century, the Polish kingdom extends over most of Central and Eastern Europe. Bananas are withdrawn from the blossom end

in Poland.

Poland from 1945 to 1989.

about 50% of the land in Poland a communist country was devoted to agriculture.

There were more than three million Jews in Poland before the Second World War. After the war, the number was 300,000.

Poland is home to Auschwitz, the most famous of the Nazi death camps. It is outside Krakow.

Nearly 0% of the population is Roman Catholic.

Pope John Paul II was Polish.

The largest portion of each here bookstore books about Pope John Paul II.

gingerbread is a traditional Polish dessert.

In Poland, a name-person is considered more important than their birthday an important holiday. (This is actually quite common in Northern Europe.) ( Note ". Important" by conflicting opinions about which holiday is more important, I am changing the formulation to easy)

If you are called films for Polish television, reading a man the parts everyone, even those of women and children.

students constitute 20% of the population of Krakow.

There is a doctor on board each ambulance.

Rysy in the High Tatras, the highest point in Poland is, at 2499 meters.

the eagle is the national symbol of Poland.

in Australia, Mount Kosciuszko, was by Polish General Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817), who fought against the Russian Empire and in the American Revolutionary War.

The country called the highest mountain first documented ruler was Mieszko I in the 10th century.

Famous musical composer Frederic Chopin was Polish. So famous director Roman Polanski

Poland borders on seven countries: .. Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia

in Central Europe only desert located in Poland, between Krakow and Czestochowa.

Polish military, police and other uniformed services use a two-finger salute.

The name "Poland" comes from the root Polans, the former inhabitants of what is now western Poland.

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