
A walk through the Grand Canyon

A walk through the Grand Canyon -

the grand canyon sunset During the expansion of America, if you wanted to find wealth, which one told you to go west. Although a little late, I followed the saying. And the West blew me away.

If you have not gone to the west, to miss you. The American West is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, and therein lies one of the greatest wonders of the world-the Grand Canyon.

National Park five million visitors a year, 99% will go to the Grand Canyon for less than four hours and 20 minutes with the present gorge spend 1% actually go some distance down, and about half of that percentage hike to the ground. I am in a small, small minority of adventurers who have gone to their base.

Walking on the Grand Canyon down (and back up) is really hard, but it is much more rewarding visually searching only over the edge.

the grand canyon sunset

arrived at the gorge, my first thought was "Holy $ %% ^! Look at this!" I have seen the pictures and heard the stories, but nothing could have prepared me for just how large it was. In front of me, stretching far and wide were red and orange peaks and valleys, jutting and fall into the ground. I have to wander in the view captured by its splendor before I broke free and began.

And I'm really glad that I did. Walking down you will find all desert animals, the intricacies of the ribs, the mountains, the streams and the cliffs, which are not visible from above. You can see the color changes in the vicinity of the rock to touch them, and the tranquility of this place to enjoy away from the crowds. I knew immediately that I was somewhere wanted to see again, and I regret spending just one night.

If you visit the Grand Canyon before, moving down, even if only for a few hours. You get the gorge in detail to learn, and it gives you a lot more perspective than look over the edge and go "ooohh" and "ahhh".

the grand canyon sunset

You will see the Colorado River near as they make their way to cut through the gorge, fast flowing and angry as a greatest of nature painting sketches. The river itself is cold and fast. Not in the current caught!

From the bottom, the canyon takes on an entirely new shape. The large canyon disappears, and everything you can see, this little valley of the river has cut. I spent at the camp in the night down there to walk the river, talking to walkers, listening to talk to a ranger, and to try to avoid the scorpions.

the grand canyon sunset

In the morning I woke up, my legs already sore. Yet I was still in for another 9.6-mile hike back to the Canyon by hot, steep terrain. Hiking up was much harder than walking down, although the shallower Bright Angel trail.

My companion and I slowly moved to take advantage of the shade to the off-track waterfalls to visit other forward to, and talk with other hikers. The hardest part was made for me the steep climb back up to the high altitude and steep cliffs for a foul.

wander After six hours, we got it from. Hiking the Grand Canyon was one of my major goals in life, and I had made it. Once over the top, all the pain, fatigue and heat disappeared, giving way to pure joy. I had mastered the gorge. I had done what few do. I was satisfied. I like Rocky felt after he climbed the stairs.

the grand canyon sunset

I celebrated by watching the sunset over the canyon. There were plenty of people the pictures, but I mostly just sat back and enjoyed the light show reflected the canyon walls. A relaxing end to a wonderful two days.

For more information on the United States, please visit my country and city guide travel to USA.

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