
American Independence Day

American Independence Day -

July 4th Fireworks
Now in its 4th of july American independence day. Across the country, Americans are taking off work and celebrating the day we declared independence from British rule. Since this year falls on a Monday, is any additional excited three days of the weekend. Festivals, fireworks and barbecues take place in every corner of the country. Just like on Memorial Day, Blogs today will be about the holiday!

History July 4
On July 4, 1776 British colonists declared their independence from the Crown. Tensions had for years as the crown imposed laws and restrictions have been high that the colonists felt violated their rights as Englishmen. 1763 Before colonists enjoyed great autonomy of the king, but after the war with the French, the king was in debt. The king decided that the days of autonomy "colonists were over. In 1763, he limited their expansion to the west. No need to any more wars with the French.

In the following years, he and adopted Parliament developed a whole series of laws to tax the colonists so that they pay for their own defense and the costs of the war with the French. It was to protect them, is not it? you should pay!

Well, the colonists also were not very happy. Although the king's subjects had, they enjoyed what historians call the period of salutary neglect. they were allowed to do what they with little interference, as long as wanted as it flows the goods The colonists were not so keen to say now, what to do. to make matters worse held by England., they felt their rights as Englishmen were, will be hurt taxed their consent without. "No taxation without representation" was the slogan. They could not be taxed identified if they had a say in it. The crown also troops quartered in their homes, which violates the age-old principle that a man's home was his private domain.

So fast forward a little to 1776. The battles of Lexington and Concord were old news. The colonists were in turmoil now. Despite still to see an Englishman, their only logical approach was independence, although for some it was with a heavy heart.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and on July 4, the signing was complete. We explained that "in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected it with another." The colonists celebrated the day with fireworks, shots and Party.

The tradition continued informally to 1941, when Congress declared the day a federal holiday. The day has always had great significance for Americans and is our largest secular holiday.

July 4th Celebration
Americans the holiday to celebrate in various ways. Since the declaration only in 1776, has read 4th of July with festivities and fireworks synonymous. (And of course, alcohol too!)

Beach (Outdoors)
If you live near the beach and the weather is nice, you will be There. Americans on that day love on the beach. Up and down the coast, beaches packed with people looking to catch some rays before the nightly fireworks. A little further inland, many people head out of the forests, lakes, rivers and national parks to relax in contact with nature, socialize and celebrate.

Fourth of July BBQs are as American as apple pie, and if one is not just one, at least ten people you know. This very popular tradition everyone gets together for two of the most important holiday pastimes: watching fireworks and drinking. BBQs are a must for all to celebrate the holiday.

Most cities and towns have the Fourth of July Parade, where local organizations and groups to honor the country, its history and its soldiers. Many of the bigger ones have historical reenactor and old fife-and-drum bands.

Nothing says you love your country more than a small piece of it blowing up. Pretty much every town in America has a fireworks celebration. The people across America have their own celebrations in their backyards. They will long to hear the sound of M80s all day. When the sun goes down, everyone trickles from their BBQs to watch their city fireworks. (Best BBQs are the ones where you can see the fireworks without the party to leave that!) The largest and most famous fireworks are in Boston, Washington DC, New York and Philadelphia.

Go out and celebrate the founding of America. If you are not Americans, you go with something hanging and in the fun! It is to make a good excuse. So HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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