
As four days at Madrid to spend

As four days at Madrid to spend -

Madrid Spain Streets When I visited Madrid in 09, I saw my hostel only bed I got in Barcelona because of a bad cold. I left what you would be sad for one of the best cities in the world, sick, and angry I always saw the town on the way to the pharmacy.

May return, while on my Eurail trip, I vowed not to the city, without departing from its supposed sensory overload sights, sounds and eats. Yourself exploring the time to fully Madrid, I found a huge city that requires planning and organization to search effectively. With what I learned in San Francisco, I took Madrid by storm and looked pretty much (not all, but enough to make me happy).

If you also have a limited amount of time to see the city is here, a proposed route for you on what I saw:

Day 1

free migration - I'm a big fan of free walking tours, even if the guide searching only some former travelers for a quick buck. Why? Because they provide a good orientation of the city available, mark their important aspects and provide a cursory overview of a history of the city. So on the first day, start the morning with a tour free walk and get a basic overview of Madrid. The two most popular are:

Walking Tours New Madrid
Cats Hostel Tour

Visit the Royal Palace
the royal palace in madrid, spain
Although the official residence of the royal family, they no longer live here actually, and the palace is only used for official State functions. You can the palace walking through (both self-guided and guided tours are available) on the grand staircase begins and wander through ornate state rooms. My favorites are the green porcelain room and the dining room. There is also the Royal Armory, which houses a collection of medieval weapons and armor. Audio guides and brochures are not included in the ticket price. The palace is free on Wednesday.

The Cathedral of Madrid
The Cathedral of Madrid
Opposite the palace is the main cathedral of Madrid. Finished at the end of the 20th century is where the Prince and Princess of Asturias, Felipe and Letizia, 04. Official state ceremonies were married a year, are held here, not the most beautiful cathedral in Europe, the roof has some kickass photo opportunities of the Madrid skyline.

Plaza Mayor
plaza mayor in madrid, spain
, the most famous in the city and the starting point for most tours, this place was once bullfights hosts, markets, symphonies, tournaments and even executions. Now it is with tourist shops, cafes and restaurants ringed. It is a good place to indulge in some watching of the people, has some good (albeit expensive) bars concerts and events, and has occasionally.

Day 2

Food Tour - Madrid is home to some world-class food, and if you are not sure where a food tour to start, take. I have found in a Madrid Food Tour run by fellow bloggers and expats Lauren and James part. It was informative, fun, tasty and filling. After six hours of eating, I was in need of my belt must be removed! You can learn in this video more here:

For more on their tour, visit the website Madrid Food Tour. They are also the # 1 rated Madrid activity on TripAdvisor.

Mercado de San Miguel
inside the mercado de san miguel
Near Plaza Mayor is the indoor market, the sooner a large central market before she fell into disrepair. Bought by a foodie and turned into a hip spot with many restaurants and stalls, the food here is delicious and surprisingly cheap considering its downtown location. I left full for less than 10 euros. At night it is full of locals after work looking drinks and tapas. Find this location on your food tour visit, but worth it to come back

Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales -. Built in the 16th century as a home for King Charles I, this lavish monastery "barefoot nuns" has an extraordinary collection of art works by European masters. It is an often overlooked place to visit.

Day 3

The Naval Museum
the outside of the naval museum madrid
This interesting museum provides a detailed history of Spain historic naval capabilities (and not so Bravery) , There is a detailed section on the Spanish Armada defeat against the English.

The Prado Museum
outside view of the famous prado museum
The Prado is one of the best museums in the world. There are works from Spanish (El Greco, Velázquez and Goya), Flemish and Dutch (Rubens, Van Dyck and Brueghel), Italian (Botticelli, Tintoretto, Titian, Caravaggio, and Veronese) and German (Albrecht Dürer, Lucas Cranach and Baldung Grien) artists. I love the Prado and the tree-lined boulevard leading to it. You can free admission from Tuesday to Saturday 6:00 to 8:00, and get Sundays 17:00 to 8:00 p.m..

Royal Botanical Garden
madrid's famous botanical garden
Built in 1797-1839, this park is right across from the Prado and has lakes, mazes, squares, fountains and many flowers , There is even a small vegetable garden in the summer months. While a nice place, the pollen really made my allergies go wild, so for people with similar complaints, I would take a Allegra (and some tissues) before in position.

Reina Sofía - The museum houses Madrid's best collection of modern art. It includes many of Pablo Picasso's major works and art of Miró, Kandinsky, Dalí, and Bacon. You can free entry from Monday to Saturday 19:00 to 21:00 (except Tuesday) and Sunday from 15:00 to 19.00.

Day 4

El Retiro Park
receive crystal palace and fountain in retiro park, madrid
Madrid's main park, this is the perfect place to hike and on a nice day relax. There's a great lake for those interested in the rent a boat and a lot of paths and lawns to be on foot. You can also a monument to the victims of the Madrid 3/11 terrorist attacks and the famous Crystal Palace visit (it is made entirely of glass) which has a rotating collection of art exhibitions.

Museo de la Historia de Madrid - The Municipal Museum of Madrid, this is the history of Madrid from 1561 to the present day dedicated. The museum highlights the daily life in the city, and while many exhibits from the old city museum were moved here after the closure, unfortunately, most are still in the camp.

Drinking gin and tonics
gin and tonics
gin-and-tonic bars are the new trend in Madrid, with many bars to devote himself to new versions of this classic concocting drink. As a lover of gin and tonics, I was very excited. After a long day of sightseeing, go relax with a drink. Condé Nast Traveler has a good list of best bars

media on a day to do

Stroll through the streets -. Do not forget to migrate only to Madrid and be random. You never know where the day you can take when you go out the door and be lost

Learn Flamenco -. Flamenco dancing is known in Madrid, and you will find many ways to see the city or to learn this dance style.

Eat a lot of ham
lots of ham in madrid
Spain is famous for its ham, and are tons of places to find it to enjoy in Madrid. Just look for signs that say: ". Museum of Ham" There is no museum involved, just a lot of ham. Or visit the markets. Or the supermarket. Really, ham is everywhere. I'm pretty sure that I ate a whole pig at while in town. God, I miss Spanish ham

watch a football game -. Real Madrid is one of the most famous football teams in the world. If they play in the season, be sure a game to see root for the home team and see what the locals get on really passionate.

It was good to finally know Madrid after my failed attempt years. Madrid was a pretty awesome town - I enjoyed the tapas, friendly locals, history, art, architecture, and crazy nightlife. During the itinerary on packs in a lot of things, it is a good starting point for the journey and managing your time planning. You can find many find to do no matter what time of day it is.

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