
I do this for me

I do this for me -

Matt Kepnes, aka Nomadic Matt, sitting at the fool of a volcano
Recently a commentator has remarked on a post:

I wonder after so many years travel [that] do not seem to, that to have been a lot of places, and I would also, that many of your goals have to say, are quite 'safe' well trod places.

I told him that we all go where we want most to go, and my goals are based on this. This turned into a debate on trips to give advice on what an authentic traveler makes, and a few other topics. In one of his last comments, he said:

I do not say a traveler does not have, but you have a boring traveler ... and I wonder why you make all this fuss about themselves , And yes, it is more authentic travel, and then there is sure boring, gap year travel circuit. Do you think Marco Polo would be worshiped as a traveler, if you take the Silk Road in China cross, he instead hung for years in backpacker hostels, hitting on young, impressionable girls and drinking beer in the sun?

I have many travelers made denigrating the route to take other, and I can not stand. Yes, I give my suggestions and tips on what to Berlin to see and do. I'm going to give you tips on how to travel cheap on my experience. I'm thinking aloud about the nature of the trip and my personal thoughts on it as a way help me hash my feelings. If you want to read along and comment on, the better.

But I will never blame about where you decide to go. This is your own personal decision. I find it extremely condescending when travelers to talk to others, because their objective decisions. I see this all the time on the backpacker trail. I do not think it should be something like see or must-do when you are traveling.

Because you go for you and I travel for me.

I go to destinations based on the order in which I want to see it.

I skip some cities and countries, because it makes me happy.

I hang in hostels other travelers because I enjoy it.

I eat sushi all over the world because it brightens my day.

I do not go to some countries, because I do not like feeling.

Travel is a very personal experience.

I do not care where you go or what you choose to see or skip.

I when one year it was no matter, but past will never get your first goal, because you just fell with him or anyone there in love.

I do not do not care if it drunk by South East Asia and the closest you got to see a local, the guy you served beer was.

It is not what I would do, and I can write a post why I think either you should not. But that's my opinion, and if you decide to do it anyway, good for you.


Because the only thing, is about traveling, what matters is that it makes you happy and brings you joy.

as Mark Twain said, "Twenty years from now you will be more by the things you did not disappoint, as by doing that you have done so throw from the Bowl Sail away from the safe harbor undertaking... the trade winds in your sails. Explore. dream. Discover. "

your trip is your own.

Enjoy it as you want.

Even if it means only one week to drink at a resort in Cancun to spend.

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