
Chasing Ghosts Again

Chasing Ghosts Again -

sunset in ios greece Last year I talked about how travelers often chasing ghosts. We re-visit places, trying to capture that first amazing we felt while we were there. And most of the time, we end up disappointed. We go back and try to create something that can not be recreated. We are all like drug addicts, just try the first to chase high. But we can never quite reach it. After all, it is people who create our memories, not places.

And so last year I vowed never to hunt ghosts. It's why I'll never go back to Ko Lipe in Thailand, and why I said I would never go back to the Greek island of Ios. The memories that I had made to these places special, and I knew would go back without the people, be the same as those to there the first time.

But here I am, writing this post of Ios, a place on my list "is not back."

Yes, I came back. But it had nothing to do with the hunt for the ghosts of past trips.

It was my birthday on June 12, I turned 30 mark that special day, I wanted to go to a place where I knew I could celebrate, as I turned 20 and I wanted it on a beach to do. In Europe. There are a number of places that I could have chosen from (Lagos, Barcelona, ​​Corfu), but I knew everything would Ios I wanted.

I admit that I was reluctant to come back. But after a couple of my friends said, they too would come, I did not think, why? Although I knew that I would not be able to attain these old memories of Ios again, I knew that I would still some have fun.

After two weeks here, I have changed my mind on the previous post. They can return to a place, and still love it. I have nothing, but had fun. The locals have reminded me. Many of my friends back from last year. I found new friends. I learned even more about the island. I do not regret again ever comes.

I have avoided many places for fear of revisiting that I disappointed "ruin" my first experience there and walk away. For example, in my mind, Ko Lipe is a deserted island in Thailand where I made friends for life. go back to a now developed island with tourists swarming something I would could not handle. Paradise Lost

But in some cases, you can go back - have .. just go for various reasons back

This year I did not come back to Ios, because I know that highly wanted to hunt from last year, but because I wanted to celebrate my birthday. Simple as that. I did not want what I had last year. I wanted to celebrate and ring in my 30 th birthday with my friends.

I came here with a different mentality this time, to realize that what I had was unique last year. It can never be restored, but that does not mean that I could not come back and make new memories.

years from now, I'll probably not let that happen on this second trip to Ios Revue like I'm the first. Years from now, I'll probably from this trip to the people do not speak like I'm the first. But I came to the recognition; I did not expect to make this trip my first in the shadows.

Was I chasing ghosts in Ios? I do not think so. Although I think that we are wired as humans keep on these reports and to try new to a place, you will love back on chasing ghosts do not have. You can return to a destination and enjoy it for what it is - a good place. But if you expect it to be as good as it was that first time, you will be disappointed with what you find. Instead, come to expect nothing. Just be there to enjoy a good place as a good place to have a good time without compare in the past.

And you will leave your spirits in the past, where they never can track your presence again.

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