
Your Worst Travel Experience

Your Worst Travel Experience -

Last week I lost my passport. It was by far the worst thing that happened to me during the trip. Certainly, if one because of food poisoning in Costa Rica to the hospital was pretty bad, but emotionally, losing nine years Stamps worse. So I thought it only fitting that we scored midway through the series to readers travel experiences, rates these questions would be: "What is the worst thing that happened to you while traveling?" Here are the other travelers worst moments on the road:

"on my first visit to New York, I soon found out that the hostel I had booked, in fact, was not" Upper West Side 'as announced but in the depths of Harlem. This would except that I arrived not been too much of a problem, at 2am and there was no one at the hostel, let me in, despite the racket I was making! Let me tell you, I have not a single woman who would recommend it alone in the middle of the night in Harlem to anyone! I luckily survived until sunrise, but not without hearing several shots to be bothered by a gang and put an end to a run for it with a huge suitcase. "- Nicole

" The most memorable one was in Latvia, as I had some strange 'Stalker', which kept on the bus to touch me, and when I rose early from the bus to avoid him, he followed me for three hours by the forest before I finally lost it. It was a shame I have never seen the locks, which I originally because he went out to see. "- Rob

" Either robbed in Bali, or struggling with a ticket for a 12-hour train ride ever in Thailand. We had to be absolutely in Bangkok, leaving it until the last minute a ticket for the night train to buy. The only cards they had were for the 3rd grade we had all the way on a narrow train for 12 hours to get up 'standing.'. "- Slice

" We had just crossed the state border of the Northern Territory and South Australia. Although it is in the middle of the desert, it was rain pouring. Despite attempts to draw to find somewhere and stop for the night, we had not been able to find anywhere for a few hours of searching. had we hit a large puddle on the road, and it felt like a tire on the RV blown. We moved on the tire to check, and although it turned out that they were fine, we sank almost to the chassis in the soft mud on the side of the road. My poor husband had the caravan from this shoulder at dusk and the rain to dig while I keep the kids busy and kept happy in the car. We drove on and came to a road house not much further along the highway. We moved in, but because the roads were so slippery rain with the fuel and on the ground, the rear end of the RV clipped a truck windows. "- Amy

" to leave before I'm ready to go. "- Maria

" In 2010 I went quad biking in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It would great, right up to the moment when one of my tires hit a stone and I lost control. I flew about two meters deep in a trench, and the wheel turned over on its side. If I had not been clearly thrown, chances are the side of the ditch my head would have taken. As it was, my worst injury was a banged up knee and a long strip of road rash along one arm. I had $ 400 to pay for the bike damage to be another $ 75 cleaned at the doc, and some antibiotics and painkillers obtained to ensure that I did not get an infection, then take the night bus to Sihanoukville, had always still wearing the same clothes I'd rushed in, tried my best to keep my sore arm away from the other passengers, so that no one popped it to make! "- Susan

" Witnessing the point blank killing of three drug dealers in a bar in Puerto Rico. "- Mike

" I came up with the swine flu, when I was traveling in Turkey. One of the biggest advisories during the season of pigs was not to get sick while on a plane, but I was stuck in Istanbul and coming home needed. I was petrified that the airport would have a fever detector, and I would get locked up and not be able to leave - fortunately, that was not the case. It was still a pretty miserable experience though. "- Allison

" Auto My sister is a head gasket through Death Valley blew in August, where the temps hovering around 123 and we left about $ 50 because we were due back to her home in a day. There were no Western Union, characters were not booked your car at night leaving for rattlesnakes and not to leave the car when you run out of gas. This while showing a skeleton holding a gas can. The message was that in the very hot desert we would die within a day or so prior to dehydration. It took 5 days in the desert stranded before we got back to their home in Santa Cruz. "- Joy

" with a cockroach on my face waking. "- Jemma

" died A week before the Spanish dictator Franco, I was wondering in Madrid a corner to admire the architecture. A soldier appeared from no-where, stuck in my face a machine gun and demanded I go with him. Young, bold and stupid, I argued with him. He pushed the gun closer to my face. I obeyed. He takes me to Las Ventas bullfighting ring and calls I buy in the fight for a ticket. "- Sonia

" Someone come to my room while I was sleeping and stole two cameras, $ 250, an MP3 player and a clock. It was the scariest thing to know that someone came into my room while I was sleeping. "- Hopscotch the Globe

" Last year experience for 4 minutes, 8.8 earthquake in Chile only 50 miles from the epicenter. And then spend the next 5 days sleeping outside, never without my Swiss Army knife and a golf club, because all the convicts from the nearby prison, which fell to the ground. Fun times! "- Tia

" chosen at random, on the way from Morocco to Greece, a bus all the way to catch up, rather than fly. Unbeknownst to me, I had a kind of marine bacterial infection in my eye contact while surfing. in 4 days of unbearable pain ended on a crowded, non-stop bus just to get to Paris and said that "I would be permanently blind in one eye." The bad? Two weeks quarantine, a missed flight to Greece, and a ban on further travel for a while. The good? I recovered my eyes completely, and began with the wonderful city of my love affair in Paris to be trapped. "- Yolanda

" with Nomadic Matt on a train stuck 5 days for while traveling through Canada! . "- Andrew

I asked my readers a set of 6 questions about traveling Read the answers to the other five interesting questions:
Why travel has start
What memory is your biggest travel "
What is an item that you can not without traveling
What would ?? enter new travelers?
What is your biggest regret?

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