
The challenges of love on the way

The challenges of love on the way -

A couple posing together romantically This is a guest post by Ayngelina Bacon is magic.

One of the biggest sacrifices I have to travel to was taken to leave a relationship. Of course, one of the first questions people ask me is what it's like to be single on the street.

I had learned as a solo female traveler, and I have an incredible year in Latin America, on the way that on the way, a relationship that can be a delicate balance of exhausting and exciting.

people a number of MTV Spring Break Hook-ups or sense imagine, Eat, Pray, Love soul -mate stories. But it's not. In fact, I have a lot of unexpected challenges encountered.

Most people would assume the biggest hurdle for a woman in her thirties to find love at all. Sure, at first it can be frustrating, men chase after your age gap year backpackers to see that probably could not buy a beer in the United States. But then you learn, it's fair game.

age does not seem to be so monumental or divisive in the street, and no one seems younger to its 10 years or 20 years older than you to worry. The only painful ego stroke is when you make a cultural reference that your new "friend" because do not understand when it was popular, he was still in elementary school.

we do cultural differences to see if we meet people for the first time, but we are drawn out and enticed by these differences to think they cute and adorable are.

but the reality will strike in sensitivity. I quickly learned that Latin men are passionate, things feel deeply and are attracted to the fierce independence of Western women. Seems like a match made in the sky until you are struggling to finally issues of jealousy with friends of the opposite sex.

Couples on the road sometimes face challenges, like this couple on the train

travel seems to condense the average span of a relationship, and it is common to have a week-long love of all phases conventional coupling passes. honeymoon "to get to know people like each other, sedentary, growing apart and -up awkward pause

you can meet someone on a Monday, the sun just think of it seems or the whole week, and Sunday like they have to catch a flight out of the country. it is to accept best that each season has an end, casual, and then never again speak his friends on Facebook for a few weeks, with each other.

Hostels are fantastic for meetings with people, but also the ultimate breeding ground for jealousy. one day you meet a great guy and it seems to take off together to spend every moment of the day. But then a new group of girls will arrive, and one of them recognizes the size of your type, and makes a movement.

It never ends well. either resort to high school tactics, hoping your "old" hostel friends you have is a few days known shun her, finally make their move to a new town and away from your husband, or, even better, it is a drunken evening where you or confront them him. Either way, from you look like a fool forever psychotically some boy you've known only three days.

Then you move on, because you are so embarrassed and can not bear any of these people to face ever again.

Black and pink pig kissing snouts

the thrill of sunny areas and unfamiliar faces can disguise the reality is that you have nothing in common with your new have -found love.

sure you can on the beach have a magical full moon moment, talk until sunrise to stay on your dreams, but eventually you realize that in a different location, you would struggle to hold a conversation with the same person. You know this guy will never open a hostel or the ultimate banana pancakes Road Stand. It's a nice dream, but instead to try to make it work, go and let it be a beautiful memory.

But none of this is someone deter the love on the street trying to find. The bumps along the way are what make great stories with friends, you will laugh and cry later. [ Editor's note . Here are my own experiences are love on the lookout for traveling]

Do some happiness and love found on the street and that's what keeps us all hopeful. In fact, met a friend of mine his wife at the airport, happy that the girl he was at his gate, staring had been and was on the plane. Today they have three children.

I am not to be excluded, to find in every place the love. And I'll never rule out that the sun-drenched cabana boy might just be "the one."

Ayngelina left a great job, friend, friends and home inspiration to be found in Latin America. You can read about their adventures at Bacon's magic (which it is!).

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