
Hostel Etiquette

Hostel Etiquette -

Hostel dorm
Matts Score : This post was updated in 2016 to reflect the recent changes in the travel industry , new experience, advice and insight!

I have experienced a number of backpackers that a ten-bed dormitory is believing that they are the only sleep there. Or that her mother will clean up their mess in the hostel kitchen. It used to amaze me that so many people would be rude and inconsiderate to others in the hostel - leaving dirty dishes, Sex in dormitories with or loaded, drunk and numb then turned around and is angry when someone does not let catch a moment of sleep.

Sometimes I think that before each goes away, it should be a class on how to behave properly in a hostel. In this way, the totally awesome person to be remembered for being, are you instead of jerk, each awoke at 3:00. After years on the road and thousands of hostel stays, here are hostel etiquette tips to inspire love, not hatred of fellow travelers:

Be quiet - no one expects TIP toe through the room during the day, even if someone napping. There is an unwritten understanding that during the day, the dormitory is fair game. However, after about 10 or 23.00, keep the noise down. try People sleep to! They love to sleep, right? The same goes for all the others. Remember it. The dorms are where the sleeping happens not the party! It is not to be in the middle of the night by drunks or talkative people cool awakened. , If you are talking, to leave the room and do so outside

In a large dormitory, it is hard to have perfect peace - people to get that. That's why we all wear earplugs. But if you are in a smaller residence, your noise is much easier to hear and earplugs do not always work.

And please, do not shit in the room!

they keep the light of - on this topic expand when it is over 11 or before sunrise, they keep the lights off. No one wants to be woken up by the light. Use to find a flashlight or the glow from your iPod what you're looking. There are people in the room who may not be with the lights on sleep able. Do Not Disturb

Keep the kitchen clean -. Her mother is not there, and no one wants something crazy foodborne illnesses. I bet you do not. Wash your dishes when you're done with them, and "wash" through I mean with soap, not only makes your food under lukewarm water. If there is a still a film on the pan when you are done, it is not clean.

And if you use the last pot, clean it, so that the person behind you can without scrubbing cook your meals begin dinner. Not only do they leave

Keep the bathroom clean -. I bet you do not keep dirty bath in your own home, so why do it in the inn? How many times have you walked into a hostel bathroom and vomited almost disgusted? Lots. I know what I have. That's how everyone feels when they use the bathroom after you have left it a cesspool and I need a biohazard suit holding to go through it. Damn, I can not figure out for the life of me how people get places so damn dirty. Take your waste, toilet paper, etc., in the trash, not pee not on the floor, and if you have to throw, do it in the toilet, not in the sink or shower.

Unpack early - It's hard to sleep at hostels Each packs her bags and move out.. New people come in. As far as the guy like snores a freight train. Anything that can help us sleep later, is always welcome. So travelers love it when people pack their bags before the night in order to minimize noise in the morning. Bags rustling and zip can be annoying. I know you can not completely get rid of the noise, but to do something to try to keep it's good will, which is greatly appreciated by others

Avoid plastic bags - .! Even worse than the people listen to pack their bag people around with plastic bags carry rushing listen. They make a lot of noise. A LOT OF NOISE! That is my biggest pet peeve. If the noise continues for a while, I'll say something. Just as your bag packaging, pack your plastic bags the night before. , Because there is simply no way that sound to numb

Keep private it - you do not have sex in the dorms. I'm serious. Nobody wants you fake to hear it. There is a proper way to sex at an inn and to have a wrong way -. And in the dormitory is the wrong way

to the dance party Turn - As ingenious as Lady Gaga rocking out "Poker Face", some people music can not fall asleep. While it's great that you can, and it certainly helps block out other noises, too loud disturb other to keep it. I do not want to sleep to fall on the soundtrack to your life. In addition to work, why on deaf while you sleep? This is more of a day's activities. Keep the volume.

All of this is difficult. You do not stop being you, but remember what your kindergarten teacher told you all those years ago: with other play nice. Be respectful place of humans as well as the people want to be respectful of you. Remember, you are not the only one in the inn. You are surrounded by people who have different needs. Be aware that.

All I remember about the people who monitored me or had left the place dirty, they were rude and people I wanted again to hang out. When I ran back into it, I would go in the other direction. with good memories not to that person, you can be

go away from the people have a wonderful and respectful travelers to be

PS -. I actually opened a hostel! It is located in Austin, Texas, Austin HK has all the things that make a hostel unusual: brand new comfortable mattresses that I would sleep on for free in my own house, great showers, a large common area, free Wi-Fi, facilities Laundry , a modern kitchen, free private secure parking, and events for the guests. Next time when you visit Austin, come stay at HK Austin! It is one of the best hotels you have ever stayed in!

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