
Things I Miss America

Things I Miss America -

The Capitol Building in Washington DC on a beautiful day While I love to travel the world, sometimes I miss the little things that make America unique and special. It's not that I want to move back to America. I still love all over the world to move and to experience new things, but there is a lot that I think America is doing better than other places:

store opening times - I Love Convenience. I like to know that if it 20:00 on a Sunday night, I go shopping or make a quick errand. This is one of the reasons why I love Asia so much. There is no such thing as closing time. I love how this happens in America. Late dinner? Forget the olive oil? No problem! The supermarket is still open. It's Sunday at 19.00 and the computer breaks? No problem! Best Buy is still open. In many parts of the world, businesses and services close at 18.00 and on Sundays. It is inconvenient, especially if you're working a regular job. I do not need more than 24 hours, only transactions of adapting working hours

Service -. I and with attentive servers and people in the shops, which are friendly and helpful waiting to be happy. I like people who say hello, please and thank you. It is nice, especially if you are not on it looked funny to say themselves. People have this impression that Americans are loud and annoying but American politeness of the world grossly unappreciated

Taco Bell -. It can bad food, but I love it. You can find only in America, and when I come back home, I gorge on them. I just hope Taco Bell the untapped market of American expats they have realized, and begins to expand overseas. My kingdom for a gordita

Good Sushi - I could never live without good sushi in a place, and I'm always sad to find bad sushi when I travel. Many people say America has the best sushi outside Japan. I agree. While I have found good sushi in London, Paris and Melbourne, the menu is never as extensive as in America, and it is very expensive as a rule. I miss able fresh, delicious fish to eat from an extensive menu. Even in places like Denver, you can find amazing Sushi. When I return in June to America, Sushi are the first meal that I have from the airplane

Delicious sushi in America

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups -. In all my travels New Zealand is the only country that I have this chocolate and peanut butter goodness found. Who should invent this win a Nobel Prize. They are so good, my mouth water just thinking about it. I have no idea why I did not find in other countries, but I can not wait to eat them. I was so excited to find it in New Zealand, I ate five packets in a row

Independent Films -. When watching films, I miss watching good independent films. While abroad, I always hear about good movies that I never get to see. I'm still waiting for Up in the Air , and I am now also miss going Youth in Revolt . If I'm lucky, is iTunes have one or two, but mostly, I miss all the good Fox Searchlight and Focus films properties, which is not yet lost remember me the future of Hollywood.

24 Hour Cable News
-. I miss cable news, because when I see it, I am reminded how much better my life is when I travel and do not see it

Hulu - Once in a while, Saturday Night Live has a good jibe that you can watch on Hulu. I can not see, because I'm not in the US and am too lazy to set up a proxy server. Surf The Channel met all my TV needs, but Hulu to see this clip would be nice. I'm still behind on all good Sarah Palin parody clips

Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park on a gorgeous day in America

diversity -. I miss the diversity of America. I like being able to hear a million different languages ​​from a million different people as I go through the towns. I like food to get in the position from around the world. In Asia, good Mexican is still not impossible, but quite hard. In Europe, good Japanese or Korean food to find is the same. I have yet to be impressed with the Japanese Food in New Zealand. Or Mexicans. And what I'd give for some Ethiopian food or a good falafel! Say what you want about America, but the diversity in culture, food, and people lacking in many parts of the world. We are a melting pot, and it's nice.

I like to go home. It gives me a renewed appreciation for the little things in America that I miss. It refreshes my batteries and gives me a break from everything. These things are not enough to keep me forever home. No, there still is too much to see, but I sure could use just a good movie and some sushi now.

For more information on the United States, please visit my country and city guide for US travel.

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