
Ko Phi Phi: Thailand The most dangerous island

Ko Phi Phi: Thailand The most dangerous island -

the moon in ko phi phi thailand This is a guest post by Sean Ogle

If you think dangerous. Islands, you might think of earthquakes vulnerable and impoverished Haiti. Or maybe it is Australia with its deadly spiders and snakes. Or maybe it's somewhere further away like the jungle wilderness of Borneo. And yet there is an island out there that is far more dangerous and far less obvious. This island is Ko Phi Phi off the coast of Thailand.

Ko Phi Phi is one of Thailand's most famous islands. It is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the country and is where the movie "The Beach" was filmed. Every year thousands of people on this island flock to the sun to relax, swim in the sea, and immerse the surrounding reefs. But despite his international reputation to be as a world-class destination for many young travelers, it can often be the most dangerous place you on your journey visit by Southeast Asia. What makes Ko Phi Phi potentially so dangerous

Two words : buckets and fire

For those of you not familiar with the Thai bucket, it is a combination of Red Bull., Thai whiskey and Coke or Sprite. They get their name from the small sand buckets in which they are served and are an integral part on the Thai tourist track.

My personal buckets and fire history began seemingly harmlessly enough with a burning rope landing on my feet. Originally I thought nothing of it. I cleaned them and cared for them. But three weeks later, when I had a half-inch deep infection and was forced to make my first visit to a Thai hospital, I realized it was more than anything.

Other it get much worse, to be mutilated flaming jump rope or on the fiery limbo sticks fall. I saw a British guy with violence are removed from the activity because he was too drunk, the constant feeling burns that he inflicted with the rope on himself.

buckets in thailand

The combination of buckets and fire antics that put yourself on the beach bars like Ibiza and Apache drunken travelers in a position to take the best nights have they will never remember, but she left with scars, never forget the nights she spent on Ko Phi Phi.

on a given evening you can find at any of these beach bars at 22.00 head down and an exciting display of poi fire dancer fire leap Ropers and even a fire limbo. Look in awe as you on your first drink and wondered how anyone could possibly have the nerve to take part in such an acrobatic display of fire Cup. The Thais seem to do these movements champion to catch fireballs on them to be thrown over the beach. You really have talent.

buckets in thailand

However, as the night wears on, begins to change anything. Locals begin tourists inviting them to participate in a small jump roping. Promising to go slowly, and to ensure you always that you do not get injured. But as the night wears on the audience gets more excited, drank more and more courage. You want to go faster, and sometimes two at a time. When they get drunker, their reflexes so down and that's when people get hurt.

Since the alcohol continues to flow, seems to disappear the fire, as you show off your flexibility and the ability to dive headfirst into the flames. The next day, it seems to look like everywhere in Phi Phi, people bandaged arms or heads. You are on crutches or perhaps a few raises various appendages. After the first night on the island, you will understand where it comes from.

The time that I spent on Phi Phi was the best I had in Thailand. I loved the beaches and the people I met. [ Editor's note . I liked Ko Phi Phi no]. "Liquid courage" And yet it is important to be aware of what is at stake and not affected by your friends or your night will be

Sean Ogle is a Location independent entrepreneur who teaches people how to overcome fear to live life that they really want.

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