
From New Zealand, with (SERIOUS) Jetlag

From New Zealand, with (SERIOUS) Jetlag -

Boat sitting in Auckland harbor on a gorgeous day
I get hardly jetlag. My bottle of Ambien and I become generally good friends when I fly long-distance travel. It helps me, my sleep schedule keep normal. Whenever I land, I take another Ambien that night, fainting and waking up like sunshine and moonbeams feeling. But everything did not work out for me this time. My flight from Bangkok to the left at 17.00 and landed in Sydney, which would have been 1:00 Bangkok time. I do not even go to bed until 2:00. Despite two sleeping pills, I could not sleep. And I did not sleep on the plane from Sydney to Auckland or bus to hostel.

How have I made my first three days in New Zealand? I did not. I slept. While I press in a dinner with Craig and Linda from the Indie Travel Podcast and a day to her friend wine party did it, I've pretty much slept the whole time. I ended Friday and was in bed until 12:00. I woke up 30 minutes before the wine party on Saturday and was only five hours on Sunday awake. Today (Monday), I slept until noon.

I was a complete waste with only two days left in Auckland and no sights, seen except my pillow. Fortunately, after three days of hell jet lag to wear off has begun. I have energy and appetite again. Now I can see the city really.

And the little I have seen, I have loved. The suburbs are beautiful houses, surrounded by greenery and mountains and the harbor is filled with dolphins, the air is fresh, and the city is clean. And I noticed, to be sure everything growing in just about 10 hours. Something tells me New Zealand is a beautiful place to be, if I have everything already noticed.

And I have set a challenge for me. Lately I have not been the best budget traveler. I splashed kind in recent weeks made in Thailand. Work and travel means that I do not always have to be so close to the money, as I used to. But while in New Zealand, I want to be. I originally set a target of 60 NZD $ per day, but realize after a meal is about $ 20 NZD and a bottle of water 3 $ NZD, I increased it to $ 80 NZD per day. So for the next two months, this will be my average budget. The rules of my challenge are:

  • I stay in dorms where I'm going, but no more than eight people (I'm old, I like privacy)
  • I'll cook 50 , % Of my meals.
  • I'm going to spend $ 112 dollars a week alcohol. This is the equivalent of two beers per day here.
  • New Zealand is an adventure travel mecca, so while I will not restrict the activities backpacker and travelers come here to do, I will be selective.

I do, to see if I know how much fun and adventure also can be a good budget travelers again, as can be seen, I can have my wallet in New Zealand without destroying , New Zealand is a great destination for budget travelers and adventurers, but the real question is: how airborne, the lowest I can go without falling? (Here are the results of my challenge and how much I have in New Zealand.)

For more information, visit my recommended travel to New Zealand.

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