
As the Indian couples who navigated a complex visa system the world

As the Indian couples who navigated a complex visa system the world -

Vikram and Ishwinder from Empty Rusacks to travel As Americans, it is easy for me to travel the world. My Dollar goes far (though not as far as it is used) and I need to take care of a few countries only on visas around the world. However, not everyone is a golden pass blessed (EU, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand fall passes under this specification, as well), and it can be very difficult, not only save money for the journey, but also a visa for most get countries around the world. And so today we speak with Vikram and Ishwinder, an Indian couple who not only managed money for her around to save the world trip, but also navigated the tough process of getting tourist visas with an Indian passport.

Nomadic Matt: Tell everyone about yourself
Vikram: We are an Indian couple in the late 20s, the likes to to travel. I'm from a town called Aurangabad, near Mumbai while Ishwinder of New Delhi is. We were both working in London when we get married in January decided by 2012. Within a year, we have decided to end our work, to sell what little we travel the world in possession, and. We have now been on the road for 15 months. We have traveled to 25 countries and will travel until the last piece of our savings expires. We started empty backpack to share our experiences and send our love and inspiration for people who dream also of travel.

What inspired this great journey?
Ishwinder for a consulting firm, while working, I worked as a software engineer. Stable employment has the means to travel, but we always had to hurry and return to our desks on Monday. We found ourselves always want to stay a little longer and not be dictated by the calendar. The more we drove on weekends and getaways, the more we become longer wanted to travel. The turning point was when we walk in Wales, climb to the summit of Snowdon. It was a Sunday, so it was pretty full. We never saw a crowded mountaintop as Snowdon. People climbed to get to the top. We stopped to ask what it would be like to come here on an off-peak day and this all beauty only have ourselves. That was when we decided to finish our work and long-term travel.

Vikram and Ishwinder from Empty Rusacks

As an Indian, you will find hard to get visas? What are some of the difficulties you are?
My visa was rejected three times by Belgium, Spain, and the United States, although Ishwinder has never rejected her visa. Visa requirements are a necessary measure that we must consider when we want to travel to a new country, and we can not afford ignorant. Most times, they need proof of funds, bank statements, tax returns, return tickets, hotel reservations and letters from employers, and some even ask for letters.

you hold visas from visiting certain countries? not prevent
Visa requirements that are to attend from each country. The restrictions only make the process tedious that lands most people from the application daunting. If we need to use (most European countries) for a tourist visa for all Schengen countries, we need income tax returns to provide statements of account, and return tickets. The immigration officers are very strict, so that all defects in papers will not be tolerated. One of my visa application was rejected because I did not have enough blank pages in my passport. Such restrictions spontaneous travel discouraged.

Vikram and Ishwinder from Empty Rusacks

As you go through the application process to make it successful?
There is no shortcut or easy way to make a successful application. Everything you do is read the immigration website thoroughly for all necessary information. Then follow all the rules and formalities to the letter. Make sure that you have not overlooked anything. Every mistake is to deny just an excuse for them your application. They are not very forgiving.

The most common requirements Return, a certain [amount] money in your bank accounts for a certain period and hotel bookings. allow sites like Booking.com hotel reservations without charges and allow cancellations until the last minute. If you are planning to travel in England and in the EU, then bus tickets are to show the cheapest way return tickets; You can book some as low as 10 GBP. We keep a separate account, in which we hold a certain amount of money to show immigration officials that we. Have sufficient resources

Even if you meet all the requirements and all your papers ready, you should still be prepared to accept rejection.

Vikram and Ishwinder from Empty Rusacks

Which countries are easier for Indians to get visas?
We can without a visa to visit Bhutan and Nepal as and Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Mauritius and countries in Southeast Asia are quite easy to travel, as most of them offer Visa on arrival. Based on Internet research, countries in South and Central America also visa seem friendly for Indians. to have a UK, US or Schengen [visa], is also useful because it makes us for Visa on arrival for certain other countries. (With a Visa UK we were able to obtain a visa upon arrival in Turkey.)

Is there an interview process? How does it work? How hard is it to get a UK, EU or US visa?
The visa process is quite complicated for us. You make a payment, to receive a code, and use it to book an appointment. When you walk into the message, they check your papers and you are interviewed. Keep your passports only when they go to be granted, a visa; return it otherwise the papers make it clear that the visa is denied. It is a country that seems that it does not welcome tourists from India and is the hardest to get visa.


UK and EU applications made by a third body. Most people in India still live under the impression that increased by an agent of the application to get your chances of getting a visa. If you have the means to travel and the right papers (approved by the employer leave, bank statements, tax returns and reservations), you will most likely get the visa.

Vikram and Ishwinder from Empty Rusacks

What did you do to save your trip?
Both of us finished college and began work immediately. I worked for seven years and Ishwinder worked about six years before we decided to quit. The major chunk of our savings was of the two years we have worked in London.

How do you keep on a budget when you travel?
Since we in East Travel to have Asia, India, Nepal and Bhutan, we have our budget not so much had observed. The only rule is with us "do not splurge." In the past 15 months there have been no expensive dinners, spas, shopping sprees or overpriced adventure sports. But when we arrive at a place, we are looking to pay for for a clean and spacious room and do not mind a little more. Sticking to the basics keeps us within the budget.

benny lewis from fluent in three months

I have received many emails from Indians say "travel for them is different." Is that true? Has changed your perspective on all the trips? What would you people / friends say back home?
Many people think it is a waste of time and money, and that the journey should be performed once a year or twice. The long-term travel is still unknown. One reason for this is that so many of us have [such] limited opportunities, job security is a concern, so that you can not quit your job and go traveling. The important thing is to secure your future. Indian society does not accept risk, and that is what is in the long term while traveling. A big risk

Incidentally, if you are single, your family has to marry with you. If you are married, there is a lot of social acceptance for you to have a baby. Spending time with the family, and to be at social functions is extremely important.

So with so many concerns, Travel fades into the background.

We were able to save money because we had good jobs in London and we did not want a house or a car, and our families were much more understanding than most people buy. But I think even if we were in India, we would have been able to stop and travel, but we would have needed two more years of saving. The only thing is with these savings, we would not have been able to travel to Europe.

Vikram and Ishwinder from Empty Rusacks

What's one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started to go?
In addition to all the fun things about traveling, I wish we had known that long to travel and not to eat a proper diet could really affect your health mysteriously. Ishwinder suffering from a severe sore throat for four months and is still recovering from it. The thing that did the most damage was the wrong drugs they took. You never have with drugs treat you carry in your backpack. It is worth to spend money for medical check-ups when you are abroad. But we did not get past the natural spas and yoga ashrams and feeling a little better. It is important to slow down and take care of yourself.


It may be harder for Indian citizens to travel visa and obtain , but it is not impossible. I have many Indian travelers met on the street, and as Vikram and Ishwinder history shows, it is possible successfully to obtain visas. Maybe not all, but enough places that you hold for a while on the go. For more information, visit Vikram and Ishwinder on her blog, empty backpack.

If the next success story

is one of my favorite parts about this job to hear travel stories of the people. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world. I hope that these stories show that there is more than one way to travel and that is close to reach to touch your trip destinations. Here are some more examples of people who are your travel dreams come true:

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  • The life on the road as a gay couple
  • as Onieka works around the world as a teacher

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