
How can I finally came up with the terms Homebody Inside Me

How can I finally came up with the terms Homebody Inside Me -

Black and white town homes on the streets of NYC After a few busy months on the road, I'm in New York finally returned. I have spent the last three months in motion what tours, participation in conferences and give talks. It has drain and I'm happy to finally be without plans back home to enjoy other than spring return to the city.

A few weeks ago, during my e-mail somewhere over America Verification (I love domestic flight Wi-Fi), I have a question about my article opened "Home :. death of a Nomad" wanted the woman to know if I was able to kill the nomads in me. Was I to calm the situation? Did I turn out OK? Do I still feel the same way? She was worried that she would go travel, and never want to return home or settle down. The thought of a permanent nomad frightened her as much as it leads them

So I told her the truth. Never to be a nomad stop. You can ignore only the nomads so long in you, but if you have even bitten by the travel bug, it's always with you and you will always dream of faraway places.

Finally, the road invites for Jack Kerouac said, the road is life, and we can only so long as it be.

But I could stand their concerns in context. It was all about balance, I said, when I finished the email. We just need to find the right. Since I "slow" decided and reign in my nomadic ways, I struggle to find the right balance.

want As much as I slow down and a life for me in NYC I carve can not but help dream of all the places in the world, I and the lack of time for a trip I'd like to have all to see.

and then I book a ticket and I'm gone.

There is a constant tug-of-war.

But as I relaxed on my couch, watching this week's episode of Game of Thrones , I realized my balance is actually frenetic imbalance: months journey through months in New York interrupted by short weekend domestic travel trips interrupted. It is chaotic, stressful, and definitely make'll ever girlfriend hard to find (sorry, Mom!), But it's the only way I can fulfill my two main requests.

must continue to swing the pendulum in both directions.

I do not think that there is a universal balance between work, travel and life. You need to find the balance that works for you. There are ways to make your life more efficient, but in the end, you must do what you feel is right.

Since all stay on the resort and hyperbusy is what works for me. Over the next six weeks in NYC, I have to write a new edition of my book, exploring every hike in the city for an upcoming post, finally on some projects for the site to move, and learn Swedish. There is no rest for the weary, but I'm getting better at my time more wisely (bye, Facebook throughout the day!), And I think that's making a big difference.

There are a lot of time in the day if you use it correctly.

I could with a new theory on work-life balance in a few months back, but now I think I've made my sweet spot. I never thought I would be so happy to come home, but as Lin Yutang said: ". No one realizes how beautiful to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow"

[1945001home] gives me for the journey an appreciation definitely be traveling and gives me an appreciation for everything I have back home.

has it taken me a long time to find out.

The road beckons sure, but right now, it will have to wait.

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