
Can you love and romance on the road?

Can you love and romance on the road? -

finding romance everywhere "Is not it hard to have a relationship, if you are traveling the whole time?" Did you ever have a girlfriend? " people often ask in response to hear about my eternal solo travel.

The brutal truth is that yes, it is very difficult to have a relationship and maintain when you travel.

one the main drawbacks to travel long term is the eternal innocence that goes along with it. If you are always on the go, you are never in one place long enough to build a long term relationship with someone. right, as it comes to bloom, it's time for you ... or to go ....

But while relationships are hard to maintain, they do happen.

years ago, I was in Cambodia. While some other backpackers to speak to a group of Swedish girls sat next to us. It caught my eye. Or, more precisely, I saw her eye. When the group went later said the girl, and I usually each other. Four months later we were parting in Bangkok when she. A flight to Stockholm on board

Once, on a tour of Uluru in Australia, I struck up a conversation with a German girl. It was my travel partner for 2 months in Australia. I remained in place in Brisbane, and we met again in Amsterdam next year.

Then there was the Austrian girl I dated while living in Taiwan. We held, but when she moved back to Vienna after a while the truth was painfully clear: they did not want to leave Vienna and I was not prepared to stay put.

The search for romance on the road is not difficult.

But the search for long-term romance is.

In all of the situations, as much as we try to keep it with a visit in gear here, or a vacation there, it was simply too hard. Absence makes the heart grow fonder only for a certain period.

After a while forgets.

, come together every day around the world thousands of travelers and then say goodbye quickly, as they move to the next town. Finding something that lasts more than a few days?

It is difficult, but not impossible. I have met many couples who met while traveling. I also attended the wedding of a couple who met on a beach in Thailand.

While many people want that particular finding someone while sitting on a beach in Bali or to explore the streets of Paris. We have this idealistic notion of Romantic Travel. However, the realities of the route, time tables or flights often get in the way, and it is much more difficult to go to keep things really. Finally, one of you is to go a different route.

finding romance everywhere You are right, you go left and wants to go the other way neither.

So what do people on the street who then? What I call "target relationships." You meet someone, you hit it off, and for a certain location and time you are together.

form bonds on the road very quickly whether a friendship or a relationship. Without life in the way that people will instantly best friends. And in this case immediately couples. Do not think about tomorrow or the past of the person. Just enjoy every company "other for as long as it will take. That's 4 months in Southeast Asia Maybe. Maybe it's a few weeks to the east coast of Australia. Or maybe it's just this week together in Amsterdam

target relationships give travelers a chance on the human contact -. But without all the chaotic emotions that engage as many times there are no luggage There is a clear start and end date There are no messy breakups often.... stay good friends. I still talk to the girls I have dated in the street. we had each other, and then we both moved on.

There were no hard feelings.

travel people who wish to explore the world for themselves, which is why so few people to change their plans, even if they meet someone. It's a big step to change your whole trip to or completely different because someone stop. This brings a lot of pressure on the relationship, and most of the time no one ever wants to think "What if I had taken on trips ..." I am convinced that if things be meant, work out. When you meet someone, and it should be, it will work. Maybe not immediately, but in the future.

Because when you both feel the same way, you make it work. You will find a compromise. Holiday romances are like any other remote romances - hard, challenging, and with a terrible failure rate.

But if they work, they are perfect (and I am jealous of all my friends who have found it).

It would be nice to have some long-term. I would like to have a travel partner, to explore the world with. Maybe I'll check one day in a hostel, find my opponent, and together we will travel around the world.

But until that happens, I'll be on the street outside, because what is more important than to find love, is finding itself.

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