
As with uncooperative friends and family deal

As with uncooperative friends and family deal -

being sad because your friends and family don't support you When I started long-term travel for the first time, asked me what I ran from away, asked me why I wanted to be away so long, and I would say most, I was crazy or weird.

, it suffices to say that I did not get much encouragement and support in the beginning.

Sometimes your friends and family, the people you most want to support, to be your trip, are not as enthusiastic as you want them to be. They do not understand, and try to talk go out. It may be sobering and sad. They are so excited about this adventure and here they are, raining on your parade.

Many readers often reached on this issue for me. I can feel the fear in her emails and the confusion of not knowing when, how to deal with the situation.

"How can I not let it get me? What have you done? What should I say?"

When I put this article to write

, I have a poll on Facebook and asked readers about their experiences. I was amazed at how many similarities there were among the people, the situations and the reactions of their friends and family. Apparently I'm not the only one who faced such negativity, and, fortunately, I'm not the only one who ignores.

But it still sucks when your support system is so uncooperative. So some criticisms are heard future travelers and examples of how I made similar criticisms to when I confronted with himself:

".. The world is unsafe, you should not go" I this much to hear, not only of people via email, but also from the people in my own life (especially my mother). News organizations paint the world to be lurking a scary, scary place with criminals every corner. News shows love the dangers of life mark; as they say, "if it bleeds, it leads." But crime happens everywhere. It occurs in NYC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Thailand, Turkey, Brazil, and every small town and medium-sized town in between. You can leave the house and be assaulted or beaten by a bus. Just like you, traveling the world and never something you have to pass. There is no place in the world that is 100% safe. Once you put it in this perspective for the people, it usually ends up the subject.

"just walk away." seem people assume that if you are traveling, long-term, you need something to run away. When people say to me, I tell them that yes, I run away - their version of life and my version of life. Remind people that what they can do in their lives to make them happy, but that you have different goals - and this journey is what makes you happy right now. Most people will admit you fall a point and the subject, because at the end of the day, we all want our friends to realize their dreams and be happy. True friends will after you let go and be supportive on the road

"Why do not you get a job?" Let us face the facts. If you strike it rich suddenly, you'll work until you're dead. The concept of work up to a certain age and then retiring in the modern economy long gone. When people tell me that I should get a job, I will reply that if I'm going to work even at my age, I'd rather my healthy years spend to discover the world, rather than sitting in an office. There will always be later, time to work. (Plus, today travel experience is often considered a plus by employers.)

"I wish I could do that. It must be nice to have no responsibility." This is jealousy, plain and simple. I tell people: "You can travel." There's nothing special about me and my decision. Once you take care of your bills and take your stuff to sell, you can personalize your own to travel - also if you are older than the average backpacker or children. While there are always circumstances that really keep people from traveling, for the most part are the only things that someone holds back the restrictions they put on yourself. find people of all ages and circumstances ways to implement travel into reality.

"It is unsafe to travel alone." normally I react to anyone who offers this argument by asking why they believe this, and they will usually start stories outlet they "learned" from the news about people who traveled alone and ended in a bad situation. You could rattle worst-case scenarios: "You could get sick, injured, robbed, or worse, and nobody would help." That may be true, but when I went wandering alone in the forest, the same thing could happen. Hell, I could fall into my apartment and no one could for days in advance. As individuals, you have to be alone in Paris or Thailand a little more to be vigilant, but as alone otherwise to be everywhere.

"It is really unsafe to travel alone if you are a woman." hurt reports of women or be killed abroad always hyped by the media. "The world is scary. Do not go out there alone. Evil man lurking behind bushes." No more so than when you live now. But do not take my word for it. Here is a list of solo female travel bloggers who can help for that myth to dispel: steps
Katie Aune

Legal Nomads
Never Ending. Dream. Are you going.
Wanderlust and Lipstick
Journey Woman

"Do not you care about to settle down and to find someone?" The tone of this question, you will not be happy if you do not have anyone. My answer is usually that I will settle down if I find the right person to settle down with, and that person be found anywhere in the world. I want to find someone I'm crazy, but I'll only for those unable to pay.

"Why would you want go there? " People ask this question with the undertone that go to country X, by want, you are funny, as if certain places the world are inconsequential and not worthy of exploration. My answer to this question is "because they exist." Why should I limit myself? Why should either? I turn around this and say, "Well, why do you always go to the gym because you want, is not it the same reason for me?."

There will always be haters. And while we can always say, "I do not care what people think," the truth is, we care what our friends and family to say, because we appreciate your opinion. If a stranger tells me I run away, I do not care. But if all my friends do, I discouraged that they do not support my decision.

And I get enough emails from readers, knowing that whatever negativity makes wannabe Travelers their decision to travel in question and ask if they make a mistake.

(You are not!)

use these answers to deflect their criticism and help them to understand why you want to go. And if it does not remain supportive, there is a wonderful network of travelers all over the internet, which can act as a support system and source of encouragement.

Use us.

read blogs.

They can be employed forums.

Träum involved.

do not let people get you down.

with the desire, nothing wrong there to take the alternate route and travel around the world. Let them try to stop them. Get call crazy - but as Steve Jobs said:

"The people who are crazy enough to think that they are the world that can change that do."

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