
Costs for travel Far Eastern Europe

Costs for travel Far Eastern Europe -

Photo of a gorgeous statue in Ukraine In the summer I left the popular European hiking trail and saw three of Europe's less-visited countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. They are located on Europe's far eastern edge and see few tourists. While Bulgaria sees a few tourists due to its proximity to the Balkans and serves as a stopover on the overland route from Turkey to Budapest, I went further north, the less I saw travelers. In Ukraine, I met volunteer US Peace Corps only a handful of Europeans

I do not understand why -. These countries are inexpensive and safe, and they lack the overwhelming masses you elsewhere in Europe. These countries are half the price of their Western counterparts. In fact, during my 46 days in these three countries, I spent a total of $ 1,876.50 USD. And that was even considering all that I splurged on sushi! That's a lot for 46 days in Europe.

While I normally the cost of each country would collapse into a single post, I want together to put these countries, so that you at once. How affordable can see this area of ​​Europe

The cost of Bulgaria

A gorgeous view of nature and a beautiful building in Bulgaria
While in Bulgaria, I spent a total of 1,405.40 lev (BGL) in 23 days. The works to be USD to about $ 1000, or USD $ 43.47 per day at today's exchange rate. In the 23 days that I was there, I visited all the major destinations, including expensive and way overrated sun beach.

How do I spent my money
All prices are in Bulgarian leva

food :. 475.0 (cheap local meals, a couple of restaurants and a lot of sushi)
Accommodation: 445.70 (I in dormitories and Couchsurfed for five nights)
alcohol: 259.40 (I partied pretty strong, especially along the Black sea)
buses: 100
taxis. 19 (a few intra-city and airport taxis)
Tours / Sightseeing: 53
Movies: 42.5
water: 8.9
chess in the park: 1

How much you can do, it's really for
about the same. Without my sushi splurge, would have been my daily average of approximately USD $ 38.29. I spend not really do wasteful in Bulgaria or something about what would do the normal budget travelers. I used the transport, ate local food, stayed in cheap hotels. If you are not a sushi fan, budgeting USD $ 35-40 per day in Bulgaria should be sufficient.

If you are looking for more beautiful accommodations and restaurant meals, you should budgeting $ 50-55 USD per day look. And while these are not the lowest prices you can find in other parts of the world, when they compare prices in Western Europe or Scandinavia, things are much cheaper.

How to save money in Bulgaria
if you want to save even more money in Bulgaria, here are a few ways to reduce your costs:

CouchSurfing - Hostels are cheap, but if you want to save even more money accommodation, you can stay for free CouchSurfing and with the locals. There are a lot of available hosts in this country

Koch -. There are a lot of cheap Bulgarian food, especially the pizza, hot dogs and sandwiches on the street. will cook your own food, of course cheaper to do things, especially as the markets a wide range of inexpensive fruits and vegetables have

in Hostel Mostel remain -. Book this Hostel accommodation, you can reduce your costs, because not only do they offer a free breakfast, but they also provide free dinner (which also comes with a free beer). Staying here you get two meals a day. They have offices in Sofia, Plovdiv and Velinko Tarnovo

Take buses - .. Trains in Bulgaria are more expensive than buses

The cost of Romania

Photo of the old town of Brasov, Romania
While in Romania, I spent 1878.30 leu (RON) or $ 578.83 USD in the 16 days that I was there. This works per day 117.38 lei or $ 36.17 US dollars. This included the cost of travel from Bucharest by Bra? Ov and Transylvania Cluj-Napoca.

How do I spent my money
All prices are in Romanian Leu.

Food: 724.4 (sushi meals, nice restaurants, and for three days cooking)
property (in a private room dorms and two nights)
Alcohol 881: 9
transport: 113.9 (buses and taxis to the airport)
tours / Sightseeing: 80 (Bran Castle, a few museums, and walking tours)
cold medicine: 57
water: 13

How much can you do it right?

You can Romania do cheaper than me. I have quite a lot of sushi and had a couple of nights in a private room. Also, I got a cold and had to spend some money on medicine that increased my budget. USD $ 30 per day is a reasonable backpacker budget for Romania, although you will spend probably more when you drink.

If you only want a couple of nights in a private room, nice meals, and more pages, your budget probably come close to $ USD 45 per day. If you stay in private rooms only , then just three times the amount of money I spent on accommodation and that is how much you need for a place to stay budget.

How to save you money in Romania
I do not find that Romania offered amazing opportunities to save. It was not really one thing that I found and was like, "Wow! This is great! My budget is saved!" Outside normal CouchSurfing / cooking / eating local advice, the country is cheap enough.

The costs of the Ukraine

The very important landmark: Saint Sophia Church in Kiev, Ukraine
My last stop in the region was the Ukraine. While I was in the Ukraine, I spent a total of 2377.95 Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) or $ 297.07 USD in the last seven days, I visited the country. This works a 339.70 hryvnia or USD $ 42.52 per day. I was in Kiev and Lviv, while I was there.

How do I spent my money
All prices are in Ukrainian hryvnia.

Accommodation: 740 (I have in dormitories for 100-110 hryvnia per night)
Food: 1122.50 (mostly local Ukrainian restaurants and two failed Sushi Dinner)
alcohol: 261 (two nights in Kiev) [1945007Transport]: 219.20
Tours / Sightseeing: 10
water: 15:25
Chess: 10 (.. I paid in chess in the park to lose There has fun made)

How much can you do it right?

One of the reasons for Ukraine my budget was so high was because I went twice for sushi. If you exclude these meals out of my budget, my daily average drops to 251 hryvnia or $ 31.09 USD. I do not think you Ukraine for much cheaper than to visit. I was the ultimate backpackers here and put everything cheap.

But I suggest you spend more and not be so efficient. Splurge on sushi or drinks or a nice room so many times each. This land is cheap (the cheapest I in Europe have, in fact). Acting out. Enjoy it, because after the football championship comes here next year, prices will certainly rise. Ukraine is currently one of the best price-countries in Europe. Make the most of it while you can

How to save you money in Ukraine
If you really feel the need to spend less money in Ukraine, you can can do three things .:

CouchSurfing - If 5-10 euros per night is too much for you, then CouchSurfing and save money

head of Kiev -. The country is considerably cheaper outside of Kiev, as well as ever closer to Russia. (. Note: From avoid immediate eastern Ukraine and Crimea )

Eat local - with only in local restaurants like Puzata Khata eat, you are your food prices keep as low as you can , A typical meal here costs me about 30 hryvnia ($ 4 USD)

Drinking -. This tip applies actually mentioned here for all countries. In all these countries, you can buy 2.5-liter bottles of beer in supermarkets and corner shops for $ 02.01 USD. It is incredibly good value and is the way to celebrate on the cheap.


The eastern part of Europe is the best bargains can be found on the continent. These three countries were much more favorable than I had previously thought, and traveling here definitely helped me to correct some of the overspending and higher costs for Western Europe. But beyond just the monetary savings, these countries are rich in history and good food, and they provide a challenge for those travelers who are not, on the well worn track in other parts of Europe. I'm so happy, did finally here, from

. Note: I do not visited Moldova for reasons of time, but I have heard its prices are on par with the rest of the region. I have, because it does not cost either to Belarus a few hundred dollars for a visa, and I did not feel like I was going to spend enough time to justify the cost.

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